I've been seeing many things lately
They mean and represent a heart
These hearts are fed sometimes love others feed them hate
They mean more when there's an action made
It causes different things
I see latins with their hearts letting it wave
I place myself there and I feel it
My heart's in glee
Who can say they are here trying to strive and waking each day with a different world yet they are a part of it
Almost like going to a waterfall and finding three
Through our blood runs freedom
I see the open fields each row as it's plowed
As it thrives
When the vegetables or the fruits grow
There are women and men picking and plowing sometimes triming
I was there too
The ache in my back
The scars on each finger's and on my palms
The pain of walking to the next row
The sleepiness from waking up before 3 in the morning
The hunger of working long hours
Now I am much older
But as a girl I went through it
From fruits to vegetables
I saw and experienced too much then
Who can say they worked at 3 am in their childhood
That they came home filthy and ready to sleep
Not many
Not many went out looking for a salary not in those conditions
General FictionShort writing yet inspiring A child's perspective of early work Difficulties that happen Something to think about and for you to be grateful that it wasn't your story If it is your story too then we know how those conditions were and what we faced