Chapter 13: And The Bullying Begins

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(Hazel's Pov) *The Next Day*

After yesterday, I pretty much spent all day watching movies with Takashi and Honey as we ate sweets. I got pretty exhausted pretty fast I ended up going to bed pretty early because damn...from karate practice and sparring wore me out more than I thought it would...but at least I was able to finally sleep and get a good night's sleep.

The next day, I fluttered my eyes to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I sighed and groaned as I sat up and hit the snooze button shutting up the damn thing...I rubbed my face tiredly and yawned before hopping out of bed stretching and yawning...I groaned feeling my muscles ache still... 'welp, today is gonna suck' I thought and rolled my eyes a bit. I walked to my dresser and decided to wear nice simple blue jeans with a cute cropped off the shoulder top.

I brushed my hair, put it up in a high ponytail and looked in the mirror seeing the bruises still on my face from when sparring with Chika yesterday...I sighed and rolled my eyes as I slid on my shoes and made sure my backpack was packed. There was a knock on my door which opened to reveal Honey and Takashi "Rirushisu are you ready to go?" Honey asked,

I smiled and nodded as Takashi grabbed my bag "How are the bruises on your face?" he asked, I gently touched them and hisses a bit "Still sensitive but I'm fine" I said, Honey nodded as we headed out of the house, to the limo and headed off to school.

When we got to school, Honey and Takashi walked me to class like they always do which made me smile as I hugged them bye until Lunch. I walked in and looked up to see Kyoya and Tamaki together...but with girls surrounding them and laughing. My eyes widen and face flushed with embarrassment if not a little anger and jealousy...I huffed a bit and sighed as Kyoya's eyes met mine.

He pushed up the glasses and said something to the ladies which had them walk away. I frowned and walked up to them and smiled fakely "Morning" I greeted, they smiled "Why good morning Hazel" Tamaki greeted, I looked at Kyoya "Sooo who were they?" I asked, Kyoya chuckled which made me glare at him. He gently grabbed my chin and pulled me towards his face "Jealous huh?" he asked, I huffed and rolled my eyes "Pftt as if" I said,

He smirked "No reason to be Jealous dear, it was nothing but class and Host Club talk, nothing more, nothing less" he reassured, I huffed with embarrassment as he pecked my lips "not jealous" I whispered, Kyoya chuckled but then frowned once he saw the bruises on my face "What happened to your face?" he asked gently rubbing the bruise on my face, "Oh that? It's nothing, I was practicing Karate with Chika yesterday and he got a few good blows in but I'm fine. Just sore is all" I shrugged it off. Kyoya nodded and gently kissed the bruise which made me blush and smile shyly.

The bell rang which made me sigh as we all took our seats and class had begun...however, I heard giggling and whispering from beside me which made me look over to see the girls who were talking to Kyoya this morning were looking at me and giggling... 'what the hell is that about?' I wondered, I shrugged and tried to ignore it but there was something that just didn't feel right...hmm.


When it was lunchtime, I had some homework I needed to catch up on so homework I forgot to do over the weekend so I told Kyoya and Tamaki I'd meet them a little later and not to wait up for me. Kyoya gave me a sweet peck on the lips before heading out and leaving me alone in the classroom.

I sighed softly and started to do my homework somewhat as quickly as I could so I could eat and hang out with the others but I also didn't want to rush it enough to make a mistake ya know? I took my time and went over the answers I knew on the spot then went back and did the more complicated ones.

After a while, I finally finished up my homework, I looked at the clock seeing I still had about 25 minutes before lunch ends. I smiled softly as I turned in the homework, gathered up my things and began walking to the lunchroom. However, on my way I turned the corner to see those girls again who were talking to Kyoya this morning and who were giggling and pointing at me for some reason 'what the hell is going on?' I thought, I shook my head and sighed as I shrugged and continued on.

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