🎃🕯Chapter 08: A Dennison Bet🕯🎃

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"Come along." Thackery's voice echoed. "Not much further." He started mumbling to himself. "Let's see...which way? Which way?"

I raised a brow at him. "Have you forgotten your way around the crypt after several years of feeding on mice?"

Thackery nodded slightly. "I can't remember."

I looked around and pointed to the tunnel to our right. "What about this way?"

"Oh, that's it." Thackery and I walked down the tunnel together. "Down here."

We heard the patter of Max, Dani's, and Allison's feet behind us. "Go, Angie and Binx!"

"Come on everyone! This way!" I spoke loud enough for them to be able to hear me.

When we reached the end of the tunnel, there was a ladder, which could only mean that this was our way out. "Up the ladder."

Max switched his lighter off and climbed up the ladder first and opened the manhole cover enough so that Thackery was able to jump out, and that Max himself could see the outside world to make sure that the coast was clear.

"Binx! Look out!" Max cried out to Thackery before quickly closing the manhole cover shut and moved back into the crypt. We heard a vehicle drive over what sounded like a bump on the road before it disappeared.

I placed a hand on the ladder and looked up at Max worriedly. "What happened? Max...where is Thackery?"

Max didn't say anything and opened the manhole cover again. He moved it aside before he quickly climbed out. He helped Dani climb out of there, followed by Allison, then me.

"Oh my god..." Max said in shock. Allison held Dani in her arms as they cried. "It's all my fault."

"Max, it's not your fault." Allison tried to reassure him.

My world broke into a thousand pieces when I laid my eyes on Thackery's lifeless body.

I walked slowly over to him and gently picked him up. I held him in my arms and stroked his soft fur gently. "She's right. You did nothing wrong, Max. After all, Thackery is okay."

All three of them looked at me in bewilderment, but it was Allison who tried to ask me a question. "Angie, I know this must be difficult for you because of how much you mean to each other, but-"

"Just watch." I interrupted her. "You've all must have forgotten that he is immortal, meaning that Thackery will be back with us any moment now. It's just a matter of being patient, is all."

And as if those words were some kind of spell to bring him back to life, Thackery's heart began to beat again. He took deep breaths and wiggled around in my arms before his eyes opened and stared directly into my own. "I hate it when that happens."

I stifled a laugh. "I'm afraid I know exactly how you feel, but that is another story, and shall be told another time."

He jumped out of my arms and stretched his legs before turning to the three surprised youngsters. "What? I told you, I can't die." He looked at Dani in concern in particular. I knew that from the moment he met Dani, she would remind him of Emily instantly. "Dani, you alright?"

Dani smiled and nodded while wiping the tears from her eyes. "Yeah."

"Okay then, let's go." Thackery said before taking the lead at the front of the group once again.

I walked beside him and made small talk, not paying attention to what Max, Dani, and Allison were talking about behind us.


*Narrator's POV*

"So, are those two, like, together or somethin'?" Max asked Allison as the three of them watched Evangeline and Thackery interact with each other as they had done 300 years ago.

"No." Allison shook her head. "If anything, they're best friends."

"Yeah, they obviously like each other, but haven't admitted it at all."

Allison and Max looked at each other, then at Dani. Max was the one who spoke out of the two. "Maybe they want to wait for the right moment? And besides, since when were you an expert on people's love lives anyway?"

"Since when were you going to admit that you're a virgin?"

Max blushed as Allison snorted in laughter. He quickly regained his composure and glared at his sister. "...Touché."

Dani decided to make a bet with Max. "$10 says they'll admit their feelings for each other before sunrise, and Angie is the one who will confess first."

"Nah, I say $25 Binx will confess first, and in less than an hour, too." Said Max.

Dani shook her brother's hand. "Deal."

Allison rolled her eyes. "You two can't seriously be betting on when they will admit they love each other, and who'll be the first one to do that. It's insane, and just seems kind of wrong."

Max smirked. "Sorry, can't help it if I don't wanna be branded a sore loser in the Dennison family. We always do fun little bets like this. It's how I was able to buy some new sneakers...well, had new sneakers. It's totally normal."

"Whatever you say Max. Just don't go crying to me when you've lost the bet." Allison teased him playfully. Dani giggled.

"We'll see who will get the last laugh." He said determinedly before they managed to find a police officer in the town of Salem and spoke to him about the situation with the Sanderson sisters.

Maybe the police officer will believe what they are saying and decide to help them solve the case?

**End Of Chapter 08**

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