🎃🕯Chapter 10: What's Done Is Done🕯🎃

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We managed to reach an alley way that was safe enough for everyone to hide in. Thackery caught up to us and jumped on a box beside the wall I was leaning against.

Max kicked a teach can a few times in anger and gritted his teeth. "This is really bad!"

Allison tried to get him to calm down. "Max, come on. Calm down."

He ignored Allison's attempt to try to calm him down, and instead, he started yelling at her, though I'm sure he doesn't mean to. "Look, I want you to take Dani back to your house, and don't let her out of your sight! Angie, I'm gonna need your help! You're a witch as well, and you're related to them, you should know their weakness!"

Thackery hissed at Max. "Don't yell at them, Max. As for wanting Angel to help you, you could have just asked politely instead of yelling like that. Believe me, yelling and hitting something out of frustration doesn't get you very far. Granted, it relieves stress somewhat, but it doesn't solve your problems."

"I'll help you, but you really need to cool down first. We understand how you're feeling, but you have to try calm down in order for us to work together." I tried to get through to him.

"Max, I'm not leaving you." Dani insisted.

The squeaky noise of a door opening made me jump and hide. The others followed my movements and peeked over the boxes to see what was happening. A chef walks out and puts his hand in a large fish tank that I didn't notice was there. "Okay, guys, who's goin' for the jacuzzi?" He fished out a lobster, carefully holding it in one hand. "Eh, Angelo. Too bad." The chef spoke to the lobster before walking back in and closed the door shut.

Allison, Max, and Dani slowly stood back up, not sure if the chef or someone else will open the door again. I was about to stand up straight, but I felt my mother's aura, as well as both of her sister's coming closer.

"Uh-oh." Thackery said, sensing them as well.

"Get down and hide!" I whispered/yelled to the children. They did as I instructed and crouched back down again. I used my magic to move some of the boxes to try and hide us all. A spell popped into my head that would be very useful for this situation.

I held both of my hands up slightly, the palms of my hands facing our direction, and white magic appeared just before I chanted a spell.

"To hide the scent of all
Disguise us in scrod
As I do so recall
Like a wall of protection
You shall not falter, nor fall."

I formed a cloud with my magic and watched as it floated up and stopped directly above us and rained down on us.

Allison gasped. "How did you do that?"

"Yeah, how comes we didn't get wet from the rain just now?" Dani asked in surprise.

I winked at them. "With magic, of course." I placed a finger to my lips, indicating for everyone to stay quiet. We watched as they arrived in the alley.

Mary, using her keen sense of smell, sniffed around the alley. As she did so, she got closer to us. I silently prayed that my spell had worked. "I smell..."


"Winnie, I smell..."

"Yes? Yes?"

"I smell scrod."

Winnie gave her a look that read 'you have got to be kidding me.' Mary clarified. "Scrod. It's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with lovely bread crumbs, a little bit of margarine, or olive oil is good." She started stammering, which annoyed Winnie to no end.

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