🎃🕯Chapter 12: Understanding Angie🕯🎃

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I sat straight up, instantly feeling wide awake all of a sudden.

What was that? That feeling of power? It made me feel...strong... "'Only a circle of salt can protect thy victims from thy power'."

I stood up and looked around to find the source of the power, only to stare wide eyed in horror at Allison opening Winnie's book of spells.

"What are you guys doing?!" Thackery screeched and jumped onto the book, closed it shut.

"We were just trying to help you." Allison tried to defend herself and Max.

"Well, don't!" Thackery swiped a paw at them, but didn't hit them. He wouldn't do that. "Nothing good can come from this book. You got it?"

I clicked my fingers and got rid of the pillows and blankets I used earlier, then spoke to the two teenagers in a serious tone. "Although that book holds spells used for good, they only use it for bad intentions as well. By opening that book, you are helping witches close by with gaining great power, which is what had woken me up. A witches book is their greatest treasure that holds the answers to a lot of questions. It holds spells that can curse people, as proven by Thackery and I."

"There are also powerful spells that will allow you to save someone in particular, but those types of spells can be quite crafty, and would require you to make an exchange; a life, for a life. You must never open this book again, for everyones sake, and yours."

Allison avoided making eye contact with me. "We're sorry, Angie."

"You too, Binx." Max tapped Allison's shoulder before standing up and walking around her. "Maybe we should go now?"

"Okay." Allison agreed. She placed the book down before getting up and leaving the room with Max.

I sighed in relief and leaned against the wall. "It's a good thing they're not around anymore. I can't imagine how Winnie would react knowing that someone had opened her book."

"I know that deep down, you care about your mother, but even you know that we had to do something in order to save all of Salem." Thackery reassured me.

"Most definitely." I walked over to him and picked him up, hugging him close. "I best be heading off with Allison. I'm sure her parents will annoy her with many questions about Max and staying out late if they find out, which is why I will have to try and sneak her home in order for them to think she's still asleep. I will visit you soon, Thackery."

Thackery closed is eyes and purred softly. "Don't leave it too long. I miss you already, and you haven't even walked out of the room yet."

I placed him on Dani's bed and smiled at him as my hands formed a heart symbol together. "Goodbye, Thackery."

He waved at me with one of his paws. "Take care, Angel."

I left the room and went downstairs to look for Allison. When I found her, she was with Max in the kitchen looking for something in a cupboard. "Allison? Cooking? I never thought I'd see that happen."

Allison hit me playfully on the arm. I faked being in pain, making her laugh. "Shut up. That's not what I'm doing."

"No, you're right." I smirked. "You're getting Max to do that for you instead." They both laughed. Allison rolled her eyes.

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