🎃🕯Chapter 15: The Final Showdown🕯🎃

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Max took out a pocket knife and held it in front of him threateningly. Why he has a pocket knife with him, I don't know. I also don't think that a pocket knife would work on a zombie. "Run, Dani, run!"

Allison grabbed Dani's arm and ran further into the cemetery. I nodded at Thackery. "We will be fine." He gave me a slight nod before running to catch up to the girls.


I glanced behind me and groaned. Winnie was flying on her broom behind the gates. "Ugh, just when you want to get rid of her, she comes flying right back."

My father grabbed Max from behind while he wasn't paying attention. "Billy, listen to me! Kill him if you must. Just bring me that child. That Dani. And put some wiggle in it, you putrid, festering sore! It is no surprise that your own brat is as weak as you!"

I rolled my eyes. "Like you are one to talk." Father grabbed Max' pocket knife and used it to cut the stitches open that were keeping his mouth shut. My white magic appeared in the palms of my hands, ready to save Max in case father really was being controlled by Winnie.

"Don't dawdle! Come along now!" Winnie demanded. Dust mixed with a few other things came flying out of father's mouth after he coughed a few times. I tried not to laugh at Max' facial expression. I can imagine my father's breath smells something rotten. "Kill him! Do it now!"

Father took a deep breath and said the first thing that popped into his head. "Wench! Trollop!" I shook my head and stifled my laughter. "You buck-toothed, mop-riding firefly from hell!" Winnie screamed while he spoke in a normal tone to Max. "I've waited centuries to say that."

"Oh, say what you want." Max cringed, looking like he was going to puke. "Just don't breathe on me."

Meanwhile, my magic disappeared from my hands because I was clutching my stomach and laughing. Now I know for sure that he wasn't being controlled by Winnie. "Ahaha! After not hearing your voice since I was a child myself, the first sentence you come out with is insults for Winnie? Absolutely hysterical!"

"It couldn't be, could it?" Father asked when we made eye contact. "Splendora? Is that truly you, my dear sunflower?"

I stopped laughing and smiled at him. "Yes, it really is. It's good to see you again, Papa."

"Billy!" Winnie screeched behind me. "I killed you once. I shall kill you again, you maggoty malfeasance." Father let Max go and waved off Winnie's threat, not looking as if her words bothered him at all. I walked on his left side with Max on his right, all of us with our backs turned to Winnie as we walked away from her. "Hang onto your heads!~"

The three of us ran through the cemetery until we reached Allison and Dani, who were holding sticks as weapons. "Max, Angie, run!"

"Max, Angie, come on! Move out of the way!" Allison yelled before running up to my father. I stood in front of him. "Angie, move!"

She was about to hit him with the stick she's holding, but was stopped by Max. "Wait! Wait!, No! No! He's a good zombie." They put their weapons down immediately.

"Allison, Dani, Max, and Thackery, despite the circumstance we are in, I would like to formally introduce you to William Butcherson." I gave him side hug and grinned at him. "My father."

He gave them a small wave. "Hello."

"Come on." Thackery took the lead with Max, Allison, and Dani close behind him, and my father and I at the back with our arms linked together. "We'll have to hold them out until dawn. It's our only hope."

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