She eats my mind - Halloween

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Loving this girl has been a big part of my life, I was born with my love for her. Sometimes, when I'm not thinking about her lips and her perfect black hair, I just wonder if I'm mentally okay.

I think I've been obsessed with her since I met her in kindergarten. I was being bullied by the others kids and she just came and yelled on them. Her aura was always golden and bright, she was the light of my life.

But now it's all over. Because of me, I came this morning with the conviction that I would tell her my feelings. I didn't expect her to like me back, after all I was just a strange girl who followed her around no matter our relationship was.

When I finally arrived to confessed my love to her, she smiled, took my hand and pulled me into a dark street where she pushed me against the wall, leaned over me and pressed her mouth against mine. 

And then everything went black, I didn't feel like myself anymore, I was going out of my body.

She killed me.

185 words.

Mes mots en désordre, HalloweenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant