The Other Half Of Me

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We were deep in the city already.

Gadreel had us go through a few alleyways between buildings before having us walk next to the crowd of angels flocking on the sidewalks.

Most of them went about their business but quite a few of them would glance over at us.

Or more so at me specifically, I guess.

A bunch of them were whispering as they passed and stuff: "Is That...?", "When did he get here?", "He looks just like him."

Gadreel didn't seem to notice.

If he did, he didn't want to acknowledge it.

He was wearing a black hoodie over his normal clothes. Still wearing his Radiohead shirt.

That guy from earlier mentioned something about it..

He said that Gadreel's never listened to music a day in his life.

I look over at him, "Hey, Gadreel?"


"Why do you wear that Radiohead shirt?," I asked him, "You, uh, listen to them often?"

Gadreel comes to a halt and glances over at me for a moment before continuing moving, "Umm.. I don't really listen to music, per se... But I have heard.. one of their songs a while back."

"Which song?," I questioned.

Gadreel's nose twitched as he glanced over at me, "Creep."

"When'd you hear it?"

"I said 'A while back'.."

"So a few years ago?"

"Yeah, for me, sure," he told me.

A few years back for him?

The hell's that mean?

None of that was a straight answer.

But then something else occurred to me, "You guys don't normally look like this, do you?"

"You mean these forms?," He asked rhetorically, seemingly happy to change subjects, "No, these are just forms we've chosen. If any of your friends saw any angels true form, they'd be burnt to a crisp. Everyone was notified that you guys would be here. Though some angels prefer looking like this."

"Where are the humans?," I asked.

He glanced over at me, "Lower level. First Heaven, or 'Mortal Heaven' as many call it. We're in the Seventh Heaven. Well, the front surface area of the Seventh Heaven. If we were to go farther back and deeper in, then that's the Seventh Heaven. But, um, you shouldn't go there.. Everyone's gigantic. Shortest angel back there is roughly double the size of the Shanghai tower..."

"Four thousand feet?"

"Eh, give or take a few hundred," Gadreel says, before looking over at a few of the other angels looking at us, "Are.. Are they staring at you?"

"They've been doing that for a while now," I told him, having gotten used to it already.

"Shit," he mutters, "I knew we shouldn't have told them who exactly was coming."

He grabs me by the arm and quickly starts pulling me away faster.

We then slip through another, larger crowd of angels before dipping into an alleyway to our right. He lets go of my arm and looks behind us as we continue walking through the alley as if to make sure we weren't followed.

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