I Will Always Be.. A Monster

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The four of us tumbled onto the cold marble floor in a daze.

We just groaned and writhed.

After about a solid minute, we all started to get back up to our feet.

"Oww," Percy muttered.

Grover frantically said, "Please, can we never do that again? It always feels horrible."

"We never exactly have a choice in the matter.. They always just do it without express permission," I add.

"Where even are we?," Annabeth rhetorically asked.

Looking around, we saw that we were in a large rectangular room. It had six arched windows on two of the walls. It was empty and looked church-esque.

But the big glaring thing about the place was on the walls.. and the ceiling.

The walls and ceiling were covered in paintings that looked a little...


Is this?..

Annabeth realized as well, "We're in the Sistine Chapel!"

She was staring up at the center painting in the center.

It was: 'The Creation Of Adam'


It was of God on the upper right, wrapped in a swirling cloak in the sky and surrounded by eleven other figures. While Adam, on the lower left, was completely nude and alone.

God's right arm was outstretched to Adam, whose left arm was extended in a pose mirroring.

Just looking at it gave me an off feeling.

I can just feel that they completely butchered what God looks like.

Also, I wonder how people would feel if they found out the entrance to Hell was in The Vatican..

The realization of something has pulled me from that thought..

We're in the Sistine Chapel... Which is in The Vatican....

Which is surrounded entirely by Rome!

I glanced over at the others, who were currently looking at the artwork on display. Annabeth's smile towards it was particularly bright.

As far as I'm aware, The Vatican isn't exactly a part of Rome, right? Like it's its own place?

Well, I hope so..

Because I really don't think it's a good idea to poke the whole Roman/Greek thing at the moment.

Something catches my eye.

The Rings the others were wearing were glowing a bit brighter. And when I looked down at mine, it was as well.

I step forward and it gets dimmer, so I move back causing it to brighten.

I started to walk around the place as the light on the Ring kept changing. Eventually, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover realized what it was I was doing and joined.

After.. being confused as fuck for a moment, of course.

The light flickered into a dark blue color in one particular spot.

It was on the other side of the room just in front of The Last Judgement. Against the wall was this mantle place thing that was holding six candles and Jesus on the cross in the center.

Then suddenly, the rings ripped themselves off our fingers and out in front of us. Inches away from each other, they started to rotate and spin faster with each passing second.

The Hidden Pillar of Olympus (PJO Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now