Where Else But Whitechapel?

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The more I looked at the people around us, the more I realized it was obvious they shouldn't even be here.

For starters, their clothes look over 100 years old.

And now that I actually look at them, they seem to not actually be there. Like ghosts, I could somewhat see through them. They emitted this faint fog or mist from them as they moved.

I didn't talk any more about it with the others as we continued on our way.

I mean, how could I? How does one just casually talk about hallucinating people who aren't actually there?

We came to a stop once we reached our destination.

Mitre Square.

We passed a gate and made our way towards the corner of the area.

"Where are we?," Percy asked.

"Mitre Square, Whitechapel," I told him.

Annabeth added, "The location of the Fourth Victim of Jack The Ripper. Catherine Eddowes."

The night sky and light from the streetlamps make the place more sinister than normal.

Despite the literal fact that nothing's here, It feels like there is.

Grover glanced over at us, "Uh, You sure this is where we need to be?"

"There's a 1-in-5 chance, yeah," I said.

"What makes you say that?"

"There are Five confirmed Jack The Ripper victims."

Maybe we should have gone somewhere else. Like Dorset Street or Berner Street.

But something called to me here.

"Was it him then? The Ripper?," I heard.

The voice came from the right.

And when I looked over there, a man was standing there looking our way.

The man was portly and somehow visibly balding, with a thick bush of facial hair. He had on one of those Bowler Hats and a long black overcoat. He looked this way with a look of disgust on disappointment.

When I looked over towards the others, I noticed that they weren't there.

Like they seemingly vanished in thin air.

Instead, sporadically around the square, a handful of what looked like cops were around the place. Old-timey constables by the looks of it with those weird hats.

Clearly Victorian.

But what stood out the most was the thing in front of me.

A woman's body, dead on the floor with a tarp covering her..

...Catherine Eddowes..

Another man was crouched down beside her, lifting the tarp to inspect her.

"I think it's safe to say it was most definitely The Ripper," the man inspecting the body said.

"Bloody Hell, not even an hour after his third victim was found. Are you sure it was him?"

"Certainly the coroner will want a look down at the Yard, but I don't think he shall find any more than I, Mr. Abberline," the man said, "Asphyxiated and then... Disemboweled."

Abberline asked him, "The blood trail goes a few feet. Was she dragged?"

The other man looked over towards the trail then back to the body, "Nothing indicates the suspect dragged the victim. The more likely outcome was that she crawled."

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