Chapter 15: Tour.

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The king and some of his guards nervously lead me all around the city.

First, we stopped by the local residential area, there was quite a few people running around and just about everyone I saw had smiles on their faces.

However, what made me feel a little uneasy was exactly that. It was a little too eerie, like everyone was forced to smile for the city's public image.

I'd understand if some big shot showed up, but no one really fit that description.

Well, that's what I thought, but looking back, maybe they knew about what happened at the entrance to the city and were actually terrified of me?

"Is it normally this lively?" I asked the king.

The king replied with a nervous look on his face still.

"No, today seems to be an exception."

Yeah, I think I was definitely the culprit here.

"I expected there to be a slums or something, but oddly enough, everyone seems to be well fed and taken care of." I said randomly aloud.

However, that statment ended up flaring the Kings anger more than his fear could endure.

"How dare you utter such nonesense! I admit there used to be a slums in this city, due to the old kings terrible management, but thanks to my dedicated daughter, who felt sympathy for those abandoned people, and my continued support, of course this is the result!"

Somehow his anger turned into a parents doting by the end, but still.

It's a little hard to believe that something like the slums to just go away without a trace within a single generation.

Then again, these people are Mermaids, so maybe they have longer lifespans than humans?

Even in this world, the Merfolk race seems to be quite a mysterious race, after all.

After apologising to the king, and nearly giving him a heart attack, we went on to the next stop.

I noticed a variety of different shops all reminiscent of modern day stores compared to what you'd find in the medieval ages.

Although I found it weird that this country supposedly was almost ruined by the previous king, it somehow managed to reach this degree of advancement in a short time, I didn't want to question it too deeply. I'm an outsider, and I have better things to do than get involved in politics.

Plus, it sounded like a load of work trying to think about important stuff.

In the end, I chose not to question anything else, and just went with the flow.

We visited several tourist spots (there wasn't any other tourists, but I didn't have the heart to tell them that.)

By the end of the day, we'd visited the city in it's entirety, minus one area.

The castle.

The rest of the city was already an amazing sight, blending modern society's architecture with the oceans natural flora and fauna to create a rather tropical looking earth city.

But the castle, the castle was probably the thing that moved me the most.

It's difficult to describe. It was tall, and pink, and, well, it just looked natural?

Like I said, it's hard to describe. Just take my word for it, or imagine the most beautiful ocean view you can think of, and turn it into a castle.

We made our way through hallway after hallway each one filled with history, not that I knew this places history, so anything in there was more or less just decoration to me, but it still had the feeling of being historical.

Once we made it to the Kings throne room, I have to admit, I gave a bit of a whistle.

"That's one impressive throne." I muttered under my breath.

Thankfully no one reacted, so I guess they didn't hear me.

I assumed the King was inteding to sit on his throne, but he actually awkwardly stood next to it and gestured for me to sit there instead.

"Please, oh great one, I implore you to sit." The king said.

"Um, it's fine. I'm not here to rule or anything? I'm just sightseeing." I replied.

"Sight...seeing?" The king asked, confused.

"Ah, I'm just bored roaming the sea, so I decided to drop in and see what this place has to offer." I answered.

"I...see." The king let out a small sigh of relief.

I guess he was worried after all. Whatever, ruling this place sounds interesting, but I bet it's no fun at all.

"Yawn~ I'm exhausted, do you have a spare room I could use for the time being?" I asked.

I might not need a whole lot of sleep, but traveling for so long still wore me out mentally.

"Of course, I'll have my personal butler show you the way to your room." The king answered.

"Thanks." I replied.

I noticed a while ago, but it seems the way I've been talking to the king has been bothering people, I saw some nasty looks, though no one said anything due to fear.

Meh, I don't see a reason to care, I mean, It's not like there's anyone here who could challenge me anyway.

That was what I thought while I walked towards my room.


In a place devoid of life besides two people inside the Royal Palace.

Two figures hidden by a cloak, conspired with each other.

"Who is that man?" The purple cloaked figure asked, curiously, a hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. One outlier can't change our plans. Soon, the Great Beast of the Sea shall be unleashed, and then we'll finally be the rulers of the this kingdom!" The green cloaked figured replied, triumphantly.

"Keep your voice down, you fool! Do you want everyone to hear you?" The purple cloaked figure reprimanded.

"Hmph, so what? It is only a matter of time before the four pieces of the seal are gathered, we already have three of them. The only one missing now is the Compass of Guidance. Once we find it, we can become the rulers of the sea!" The green cloaked figure said, barely containing his excitement.

(Soon, that princess will be mine! No, not just that princess, but every woman I want will have no choice but to be mine! Ahaha!) He thought.

The purple cloaked figure could only lower his head in lament.

(Aizz, why did I pick this idiot again?)

With that final thought, the night continued on in peace...

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