30// Sweet, Hot, Sexy and Perfect

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Inhaling, my soul was taken by surprise and it was evident in my reaction. I least expected sir Charles to give me attention and now, he did not just throw me on his bed, he touched me.

Touching me there was something I didn't expect and it was sensational since my body has no history with men. Immediately after I felt his hand on my breast, I tried pulling out of his grip but it was futile as he glared at me.

Our eyes met and his gaze was magical. Something my eyes have never beheld. His crystal blue met my deep black in warmth and gay.

I couldn't take my eyes off his and I tried to decipher the purpose of his gaze but as expected, I failed. I stared non-stop as his eyes sparkled and in doing this, I inhaled deeply. Honestly, I feel drowned in his glare and I'm willing to remain that way for centuries. Unable to take my eyes off him, I inhaled again, this time it was deeper.

His refusal to take his eyes off mine made it hard for me to cope and soon, I was inhaling and exhaling like a fool. Subconsciously, I swallowed and he drew closer to me. Heat arose as we were too close for comfort but yet it was comforting. Suddenly, I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead and I swallowed again as he came closer, now, only a breath away.

He drew closer, closer and closer and I could perceive his breath, now smoothly. It smelt refreshing from the toothpaste and believe me it will make one crave for him. It's already difficult to not be smeared by his gaze, now his tantalising breath is making it more unbearable.

I was still in shock at what happened to my breast when he kissed my lips. The shock was greater and I stared wide-eyed at his forehead. It sent millions of sparkles into me and he tasted delicious. There's no way I'd be forgetting that taste for as long as I live and my heart danced in pleasure and happiness.

His soft texture mixing with mine is enough to make me go mad. He was sweet and I bet anyone would want to have such on their lips. I was intoxicated by his kiss and I didn't realise when my desire to lick his lips grew. I can't even imagine how nice that would taste. What am I thinking, I must be a terrible kisser with no kissing experience but yet, my thoughts are not helping. Although his lips taste so good, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself by kissing him wrongly. No one would want to disregard that, I mean no one.

As the thought struck out, I stared at the lips kissing mine and I could see that it was a smooth one. Looking, I realised that he kissed my upper lip and it clung between his lips. The heat magnified and I started feeling suffocated- suffocated in love and my desire to control my emotions failed. It was becoming uncontrollable as I have never kissed while in love. I have not tasted such sweet lips in my entire life and I'd be willing to taste them again and again tirelessly. Quickly, he pulled away and I was taken by surprise. This movement made me feel it was all a mistake so, lifting my elbow which was propped on the bed, I tried to get up but suddenly, he placed me back on the bed with force.

As I landed back on the bed, his grip tightened and he kissed my nape sweetly. Immediately I felt his lips there, I breathed out and my breathing became uncontrollable.

This felt nice but I didn't want to give myself away while he is drunk. Irrespective that I love him, I would prefer to do this when he's fully aware of what he is doing. I tried pulling out of his grip but it wasn't going my way. Yet, I kept trying but I failed again. He pressed my arm down on the bed, thereby pinning it and then, he kissed my neck, trailing as he did so. Unable to do anything about it, I dragged my feet on the bed and clutched at the sheets.

I couldn't control myself and to let out my frustration, I gasped loudly. My breathing lost balance and to control myself, I inhaled and exhaled regularly. Yet, I was losing control as he refused to stop.

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