Chapter 3

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Amelia's pov

I can't tell you how annoyed I am right now. As soon as I see the guy who kidnapped me I will rip him into pieces. He can't just bring me here and expect me to be ok with it, Zayn left me alone a while back, I found it so hard not to scream at him too, even though he is not the one I should be mad at.

So from what I know I am in two guy's basement.

I am not sure how long I have been down here, but I am starving. I have had nothing to eat since that night I went out to take photos. I still feel so weak, it's so freezing too.

Suddenly I heard some muffled voices coming from upstairs, I couldn't really make out what they were saying. It's probably Zayn and...him. Niall. His name makes me disgusted.

My thoughts were interrupted by the basement door handle rattle.

A tall figure made their way down the stairs. Each step making a creaking sound.

They walked up to me without saying anything. I looked up till my eyes met theirs. They were a cold sea blue colour.

"Hey princess" the blue eyed man spoke. He had a sweet smile painted on his face he rocked back on his heal.

My heart rate quickened, thumping against my chest. This is Niall. I don't even need to ask him to know that. The use of the word 'princess' was enough conformation. I took a deep breath in, to calm down.

Niall's hair was blond, with brown coming through it. His face was slightly pale. If he wasn't so creepy and I happened see him anywhere else but his dark scary basement, I would think he looked innocent and angelic

He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans with a plain white t-shirt. His hands were tucked in his hoodie's pockets. Like I said it was cold down here.

His smile slowly faded and turned into a frown.

"Why are you not saying hi back?" He questioned

I became very frustrated and angry all at once, the anger boiling up inside me.

"You expect me to say 'hi' like I am ok with you doing this Niall!, because I am not, frankly I just want to go home!" I yelled at him

Surprisingly he seemed to stay calm

"You are home baby" he smiled sweetly again

"No I am not Niall, just let me go back to my own family. I won't even report you for stalking and kidnapping me" I relaxed a bit

His jaw clenched and his face completely changed again, now he seemed furious.

"No." He spat

"You can't do this Niall, you can't just keep me locked down here! I will try and escape no matter what!" I shouted

He sighed in frustration

"You pull a stunt like that princess and you will be in big trouble, because like it or not, you belong to me now. You ARE staying here. You ARE gonna behave and treat me with respect and, you ARE gonna be my girlfriend. He growled

A tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away before he could see.

"Why would I do that, I don't have to listen to anything you have to say Niall"

Niall moved round to grab the chain and pulled it towards him so I was closer to him. The cuff pinched and cut my soft skin.

"Because you're mine" he cooed in my ear, his breath fanning my face, causing goosebumps to form on the back of my neck. "And if you don't do what I say princess, you will be suffering the consequences of your actions".

He kissed near my ear and traveled down to my neck, nibbling and sucking on it. I couldn't help it, this was all to much for me to take in. Is this my life now? Tears rolled down my checks.

I tried wriggling away, pushing myself up against the wall, trying to get further from him. But he had me pinned down tightly, he was too strong.

"I would be a good girl if I was you babe" he mumbled the words against my skin

"P-please stop Niall..." I chocked out a tiny whisper, it was almost too quiet to hear, but I knew he heard me.

I thought at first I would be able to show him whose boss, I thought I would be in control, I thought if I told him I wasn't going to cooperate he would just give up and take me back, but it doesn't look like that.

"Aww,'t cry" he looked up at me from kissing my neck. His eyes staring straight at me. He moved his hands from pinning mine, up to my face wiping away the tears.

"I hate seeing you like this, so no more crying, ok?" His facial expression softened while he waited for me to reply.

I didn't do or say anything, I wasn't going to give in to his demands.

Suddenly I felt a sting on my left cheek, my tears instantly burned as they fell. I quickly placed my hand over it to take some of the pain away.

"I mean it!" Niall spoke sternly. His face showing no sympathy

He is so bipolar, one minute he is all scary, the next he is caring and then the next he it angry.

I nodded my head in response to his comment, I didn't want to irritate him more than I already have.

"Good." Was all he said. His eyes dark and harsh


Let me know in the comments if you are enjoying the book, I am not sure if I should continue or not. I do have a few ideas for it, but I don't want to write if nobody actually likes the book.

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