Chapter 4

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Amelia's pov

"So I bet you're hungry?" Niall chirped. His mood changing again.

"Well what would you think?, I haven't eaten at all." I snapped. I need to calm down, I know this won't end well otherwise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get annoyed, I guess the hunger is getting the better of me"

Niall raised and eyebrow and nodded his head once, indicating he was going to ignore what I just said and let it slide just this time.

He unlocked the cuff on my wrist. There was small scratches and cuts on it from what happen when he got mad. I gave it a quick rub. Niall grabbed my hand and held it in his, leading me up the stairs. I took a deep breath, I wanted to yank my hand back, but right now food is all I can think about, and I most likely wouldn't get any if I did do that.

Once the door was opened. I saw a fairly average size hall. There was dark wood flooring and panels. There were stairs leading up to the rooms, the stair's hand rail was also dark wood. Below the stairs was the door to the basement. Just in front of the basement door was a big antique dinning table. It had places for five people and chairs for six people, but more chairs could be added. Past the dinning table was the door to the kitchen and directly opposite was the lounge area.

The house was very open, there weren't really any walls for each part, apart for the kitchen. Sections were just divided for different areas. (The lounge and dinning table are in the same room).

I didn't expect it to look like this, since the basement was in awful condition. The house wasn't a mansion, but it looked as though a lot of effort was put into it, to keep it looking nice. It didn't seem like a happy home though, all the dark wooden antique furniture made it seem quite creepy. There wasn't a bright thing in sight.

Niall tugged on my arm pulling me to make me walk faster.

As soon as we reached the kitchen I started raiding the draws, in the hopes of finding something decent to eat, but there was nothing good. I sighed.

Niall pulled out a sachet of porridge and begun making it. I absolutely hate porridge, that's why I didn't pick it out. He handed it to me when he was done making it. I just stared at it, I didn't want to eat that. Niall sighed and went to the fridge, he came back with a hand full of raspberries, which he washed and tossed in the bowl. I still didn't eat it.

"You need to eat it, you're complaining that you haven't eaten for a while, so porridge is the best to eat, it'll give you all the right nutrients" he spoke trying to keep patient

"Since when did you become a dietitian" I sassed

"Don't eat anything then, die of starvation, I couldn't care less" he spat back

My stomach rumbled, I have to eat, dying doesn't seem like something I want to consider.

I started to walk over to the dining table, before my arm was caught by Niall.

"You are not to sit at that table" Niall said sternly.

I didn't question it, by the sound of his voice he seems like he is not in the mood.

"I'll have a small table put in here for you tomorrow" he added.

I thought to my self, I am not staying that long, I will try to escape. I leaned against the kitchen counter.

As I finished my porridge, the man who came to see me before Niall, was not around, why?

"Where's Zayn?" I questioned

"Why the hell do you care?" Niall became annoyed and leaned forward closer to me

"N0thing really, I'm just curious"

"Curious to find out if he's single?" He raised his voice

"What!, no of corse not, I was just wondering, that's all!" I panicked

"Well stay away from him" he barked

"Yes, ok I will" I quickly responded

He just jumped to conclusions for no reason. Zayn was a nice guy but I didn't like him like that. In fact I don't even like him at all, not even as a friend. He knew Niall somehow. I just wanna know why he didn't call the police when he saw me, unless he is on it too, this while kidnapping thing. I am so confused right now and need some answers.

As I walked out the kitchen after finishing the food, I saw what time it was.


It didn't feel like it was, I looked towards the window which was in the lounge area. It was a big window, but the curtains were closed, so I was not able to see out.

"It's time to get some sleep princess." Niall was already halfway up the stairs.

"No Niall, I'm not staying here with you!" I shouted

He sighed and muttered something under his breath, he came back down the stairs and walked towards me. He lifted me up and hung me over his shoulder.

I kicked and punched him really hard, but he didn't let go. Once we were at the top of the stairs he threw me down on the ground, I landed on my stomach, instantly wanting to throw up the porridge that it just ate.

I painfully pulled myself up. He roughly grabbed me and pushed me into a room locking it behind him.

The room was grey. It was a square room, with an bathroom connected.
There was a large king size bed in the middle, with basic plain black sheets, and there was a TV.

"Right, this is where you will sleep sleeping beauty" he beamed

"Ok" I mumbled

"All the clothes you need are in the wardrobe"

I walked over, having a look at what there was, there were mostly dresses and skirts, I needed to where something to go to bed in.

"What am I wearing for now?" I questioned

He walked over the the wardrobe and picked out a T-shirt and shorts, they looked like men's clothing.

"Wear my clothes" he smiled. By now I was too tired to refuse so I took them and headed into the shower.

When I returned I saw Niall in the bed, he was shirtless.

"Errrmm...I thought you said this is where I sleep Niall" I asked, not looking directly at him, to avoid awkwardness

"Yes, it is. It's our room. I sleep here too." He smirked and winked "come on now babe, get in." He pulled the covers back as he said it

"I am not sleeping next to you Niall, this is where I draw the line, I am especially not going to while you have no shirt" I said pointing to his bare skin.

"Can you stop causing an argument for once!" He groaned "it's too late and I am too tired."

"No I am not doing it"

"There are a few rules you will have to follow in this house, one of them being, you need to listen to instruction, if I tell you to do something you do it, understood" his tone of voice was harsh. "I'll tell you the rest tomorrow. I know that you already understand what will happen if you don't listen, right?" He raised his eyebrows.

My heart beat fast, if I listen now, he might not be angry and watch me like a hawk so I might be able to escape during the night.

I nodded and walked over to the bed. It moved as I sat on the edge.

"Lay down then!" He moaned, closing his eyes trying to sleep

"Ok" I squeaked "just don't try anything" I warned

"I can't make any promises" he smirked , his eyes still closed

I moved to the furthest part of the bed, so our bodies didn't touch. I waited for him to sleep.

Now's my chance

I hope you liked this chapter, and there is more to come, I have decided not to stop writing it

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Snatched (one direction fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora