Chapter 12

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Harry's Pov

"Niall was asking for you" I rubbed the back of my neck, remembering why I was here

Mia just looked up at me, indicating that she wanted me to go on

"He wants you to cook dinner for us boys. We are all coming over tonight"

"So you're coming back later?" she smiled

"Yes I am, but we can't talk much..." I looked away

"But, wh-" I quickly cut off her question

"That's just!- I paused for a minute trying to calm down, she needed to accept that things run a certain way round here. "That's just how it is Mia" I sighed  "Niall isn't too happy about what has been happening recently, and I can't do much about it. If we are always talking he might get the wrong idea"

"The wrong idea..." she repeated my words, she seemed sad "umm, yeah I guess...I mean...I thought you...cared about me enough to-"

"-enough to what!?" I snapped "...enough to go against him?" I yelled at her, (not loud enough for Niall to hear though)

She instantly jumped back from my sudden outburst

"No... That's not what I meant" she replied back quickly

I can't let her think that I am on her side, I do feel bad treating her like this but if Niall knew that I went against his rules he would hate me, more importantly he would hate Mia.

I can't risk that, even I don't know what he is capable off, he would put her through more pain and make her suffer, just like he did to this other girl.

"Just get upstairs Mia, you are wanted" I shrugged her away rubbing my temples

She avoided my gaze and kept her head to ground, walking up the stairs. She might have thought I didn't see the tears that rolled out of her eyes, but I did.

I hate hurting her like that. Niall's right, there is a difference between me and him. I am nothing like him.


Amelia's Pov

I didn't want Harry to see me crying, I don't know why what he said had hurt me so much. I didn't even know him that well.

Maybe it's because I felt like I could trust him. He warned me about Niall and told me not to disobey him, so I guess I felt like Harry did care about me, and he gave me a phone so I could call him if I was in trouble.

Sure enough he came.

He came to help me

But he said that he didn't want Niall getting 'the wrong idea' which meant two things.

Firstly, he definitely didn't come to my rescue, why would he? He wouldn't want to run the risk of betraying Niall's trust.

And secondly he clearly didn't care about me because he didn't want Niall to think that he did care about me, that's what he meant by 'the wrong idea'

I don't have anyone here to look out for me, so I will have to do it myself.

I sniffed away the last tear, trying my best to get over what Harry said and pushed open the door.

I need to be able to face Niall if I am going to get out of here, I'll need a plan, for now I need to do my best not to irritate Niall any more than he is, or I might end up being in the same position as that poor girl in the cage sooner than I think.

Niall stormed over to me, he seemed furious.

"Because of you the meeting is going to be late!" He spat while giving me a look of disgust

Snatched (one direction fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora