Chapter 7

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Zayn's pov

I am going to be late, and Niall hates that.

I saw the lounge room light on in Harry's house as I walked out of my garden.

He must still be at home, he would be in so much trouble if it wasn't for me.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

It's a good job all the boys have each other's keys. (Apart for Niall, he is the only one who has his key)

I fished around my pocket and grabbed the keys. I tried each one till I found one that fit.

The door unlocked and I stepped in.

"Harry!, hurry up man, you know we can't be late to these things"

I looked up in shock to what I saw. It was the girl who I helped Niall with. She was laying down on the couch with her ankle raised. She stared at me wide eyed

"Z-Zayn?" She stuttered, "what are you doing here" she seemed scared to see me.

"I should be asking you the same question" I spoke sternly, knowing what would happen. "You're suppose to be at Niall's"

"I-I know..." She trailed off

"Well why aren't you then?" I questioned

"H-he let me out" she stuttered clearly lying

"Does Harry know you're here or did you just break in, because it seems to me you hurt your leg somehow"

"No! He knows I'm here" he quickly added "I just tripped on my way here so he has been helping me"

Niall would never just 'let her out' there had to be some other explanation, but she didn't trust me enough to tell me.

I needed to gain her trust.

"Look I know you're scared right now, and I feel really bad for you, you must have gone through so much lately, it's not easy living with Niall" I stated calmly

"I am sorry you're in this mess, I feel awful" I mumble, she did seem terrified, all she wanted to do was go home, I should have never helped Niall.

"Why do you feel awful?" She questioned, emphasising the 'you'

I sighed, I guess I better tell her now.

"I helped Niall kidnap you" I spoke slowly and quietly.

She did not respond at all, she just sat there silently waiting for an explanation


"Look man, are you sure she is going to be here, especially at this time" I said to Niall

"Yeah, I know what I am doing Zayn and I don't need you questioning my every move" he spat back. He looked up to see my irritated facial expression. I have come to help him, he could be a little more appreciative

"Zayn, she always comes to take pictures at night, and mostly comes down this route so she should be here." He said looking of of the main window. "Hopefully she decides to be a good girl and actually listen, instead of making me hurt her, because trust me she won't want to get on my bad side"

He got out the black van and put down some pins in random areas of the road.

I parked the van on the side and waited for her.

Suddenly a girl on a bike wobbly wheeled herself towards the direction of the ally, examining her bike.

She seemed to be thinking. Niall came up from the dark part of the ally and pinned her to the wall.

He was speaking to her, she began to struggle and scream for help. Niall covered her mouth with the drugged cloth, making her go limp and unconscious within a few seconds.

I drove the van forward as Niall dragged her over. He struggled to get the door open so I jumped out and opened it helping him throw her in.

"You drive mate, I'll sit in the back and make sure she stays asleep" Niall pushed my shoulder to the drivers seat

She mumbled a few words and her eyes opened halfway, to which Niall quickly reacted to by pulling out the cloth, causing her eyes to slowly shut.

I drove back to Niall's house.

"So where do you want her?" I asked Niall as if she was a piece of furniture

"In the basement" he said coldly "but we should take her round the back, I don't want nobody else knowing about a this yet." he spoke, indicating he didn't want me to tell anyone

"I just want her to have a proper introduction" I could tell he was lying

"Yeah, alright" I shrugged

I bent down to take hold of her legs before I was stopped

"Actually you know what Zayn, I think I've got this man, she weighs nothing anyway, I can do it myself" he added, not wanting me to touch her.

I nodded once.

He picked her up bridal style and threw her on the cold hard ground.

"Hey!, careful. That probably really hurt her"

Niall scoffed and locked her wrist with a chain, to the wall. He then walked back upstairs

"Thanks for that bro" he said before leading me to the door.

*end of flashback*

I explained this to the girl in front of me, she sat there in shock.

"I came back to Niall's the next night to see how you were doing but he said you were still unconscious" I sighed "I heard some rattling later and came down to see you"

"Why did you do it Zayn?" She asked almost sounding like she was disappointed in me

"I had too, Niall told me to help him"

"So? Niall is some asshole who decided it would be funny to watch me suffer, you didn't have to listen to him!" She started to raise her voice

"I'd watch my mouth if I was you, don't go round saying that about Niall" I warned her

"Why though!?, what's so special about him?" She was confused

"I can't really tell you..." I trailed off "look, I won't tell him you are here, but if he finds you, you will be in big trouble, trust me. You're probably better off just going over yourself when he's back"

She stayed silent for a while before speaking up.

"Well if Niall's as bad as you are saying he is, I would rather stay with Harry, at least he doesn't threaten me like that"

"Sooner or later you won't have that choice, you'll have to go back, I have no idea why on earth Harry would keep you here if he knew you were Niall's"

"He doesn't" she mumbled a tiny squeak

I sighed, she clearly has something against Niall and I feel awful for helping kidnap her.

"I won't say anything" I spoke simply "but I don't want to be dragged into this mess"

I looked at her sympathetically

"I should be going" I said before heading to the door and leaving

Let's hope for her sake she tells Harry the truth


This is just a filler chapter, but is quiet essential for the progression of the story. I will be uploading another chapter sooner

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Snatched (one direction fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora