Chapter 7. Battle Trials: Clash of Childhood 'Friends'

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"All right class, tell me where the mistake is in this next example..." voice of Present Mic paused and looked at Class - 1A. "WHO KNOWS THE ANSWER? EVERYBODY HANDS UP AND RAISE THEM HIGH YEAAHHH!!!" he screeched as he used his Quirk: Voice to make his question louder, like it even needed to become louder.

'So normal' the majority of the class thought as they all sweatdrop.

'This is so fucking boring!' one Katsuki Bakugo thought as he block out the pro hero's  voice as he look back at the events his first day in UA. But doing so infuriated him. Who wouldn't?

He was told that he was the only one in his class, no scratch that, the only one in his middle school that has potential to get accepted in UA. Then Deku had to ruin it! Not only that the loser passed and got in, but apparently, had a quirk that he had been hiding from him.

Bakugo looked behind him and saw the nerd busy writing the boring lesson in his notebook. The blonde glared at the greenette and turned his head back to the pro hero. 'You got a lot of balls hiding your quirk from me, Deku. When I get a chance, I'm gonna kill you!'



at the back of the Teacher's Lounge, All Might in his Skeletal form was looking at his old hero costume as he was lost in thought. He thought about yesterday's Quirk Apprehension Test and saw Aizawa's class in his mind.

 As he was spying  at Class 1A's Quirk Apprehension Test, he saw how Young Midoriya changed in almost a year after they first met. As he observe the boy, he noticed that the scrawny, crying kid was no longer there but a calm, confident teenager that seem to know what he was doing. Toshinori had to hide a flinch as the green-haired boy looking at his direction with narrowed eyes. 

He saw the boy's eyes, the determination and passion o becoming a hero was still there, but he can also see the anger and little hate the boy had directed at him. And he couldn't blame the kid for it. It was mostly the Number 1 Hero's fault, for breaking the boy's heart and crushing his dreams of becoming a hero.

He saw the boy's broken face when he said that he can't be a hero without a quirk and regretted it.  What kind of hero would he be if he can just say in a straight face that a quirkless kid can't become a hero when he was also quirkless.

A sound of alarm bells indicating it was lunch time stopped him in his trance. He sighed and went to the changing room. His Hero Foundation Class is next and there are future heroes to be trained in the fundamentals of heroism.


'Man, Lunch Rush's Katsudon is so good! It's almost as good as mom's!!' Izuku thought as he sat down on his seat. He just finished lunch and was gonna get ready for their Foundational Hero Studies. 

He had several ideas for who would be their teacher in Heroics. But he knew it would be All Might, since the man was seen near Mustafu and UA was his Alma Mater. Honestly, Izuku was kinda happy that the Number 1 Hero was gonna teach them but looking back at his conversations with the man, Izuku can tell that the guy has no experience in teaching.

"Deku!" he was cut off when he heard someone call to him. He looked at the direction and saw Uraraka and Iida walking towards him. "You walked so fast! What's with the hurry?" said Uraraka as she stood next to Izuku's desk. She had called him 'Deku' since after the Quirk Apprehension Test because of Bakugo. He explained it to Uraraka that the nickname "Deku" was supposed to be an insult but Izuku really didn't care anymore and let her call him that if she want.

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