Chapter 21. Offers and Hero Names

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In Class 1A, we see our green-haired protagonist enter the empty room and walked towards his seat. He sat down with on his chair with a hard thud as sweat dripped down his chin. To say Izuku was tired was an understatement. 

As he sat down and placed his head on his desk, Izuku could only think of one thing right now....

"Fangirls are scary."



It's early in the morning and Izuku had already outside on his school uniform. It had been three days since the Sports Festival and it had drastically changed Midoriya's life. For example, most of his classmates who used to tease him back in Middle School apologize to him. Some of the girls in his former class began hitting on him after they saw how build he was in the Sports Festival.

As a kind soul he is, he forgiven them since they didn't really made any great impact on his middle school days. Though he had to use Blacklight to escape the girls trying to hit on him. 

Exiting the train, he began walking a distance towards the direction of UA. Izuku had always liked walking to UA after exiting the train in the early morning. He find it quite relaxing to wander the streets, feeling the cold breeze of the early morning as the sun slowly illuminated the surroundings.

What made it even more relaxing is the fact that not many people are out at this time of day.

As his eyes wander around the streets, he failed to notice a figure bumping on him as he walk past a corner. Izuku found himself landing down on his butt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Said the person who bump into him or he bumped into.

Looking up, Izuku had to widen his eyes. What are the chances that he bumped on Kamui Woods.  He is a man with a rather muscular build, standing relatively shorter than other high-ranked Pro Heroes. He is wearing his hero costume that consists of a dark blue bodysuit that includes a wooden belt, wooden knee pads, and wooden shoes. A small bundle of roses hangs from the left side of his belt.

"Are you okay?" The pro said as he reached down his hand to Izuku. Izuku was cut off his reverie and quickly to the man's outstretched hand, pulling him up.

As Izuku stood up, he thank the man and dusted his pants.

Kamui Woods stared at Izuku, studying the boy. Squinting his eyes until he realized who the boy is.

"Wait! You're the kid who won the Sports Festival! Izuku Midoriya, right?" The wooden hero said as he pointed at Izuku who blinked at at his statement.

"Huh? Oh yeah! That's me. You were watching the Sports Festival?" Izuku asked the pro who chuckled a bit.

"Not the whole thing, but yeah. Not only me, every hero was watching the Sports Festival. You did great, kid. I saw how you demolished the whole competition.." Kamui praised the boy, who got a tint of red on his freckled cheeks.

Izuku smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "Thank you Mister Woods."

The pro shook his head. "Please you don't need to call me Mister. Just call me Kamui Woods since we'll be working in the field in the future. No need for formalities." The man waved him off..

They conversed for a bit as they walk the streets of Mustafu. Too caught up by their conversation, they failed to notice a girl near a group of girls looking at the two.

The girls saw the two males and quickly recognized them. She looked at her companions and yelled. "GIRLS! ISN'T THAT KAMUI WOODS AND THE BOY WHO WON THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!"

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