Blake's POV
Today will be our last day together. She's leaving tomorrow. My best friend. She's leaving. We decided to hang out today, just the two of us. I thought today I might finally tell her how I feel about her. I mean I've always wanted her, but I don't think she wants me. Every time I try to flirt with her she shoots me down. Maybe I shouldn't tell her. I should just keep my mouth shut to not mess up anything. It'll probably make her want to avoid me when she's away. Yeah I'll just keep quiet. While she's gone I could probably move on too. Maybe her leaving will be good for me in a way.I was driving to her house with my head full of these thoughts. When I pulled up I honked so she knew I was outside. A few seconds later she came out with with just a simple shorts & a t-shirt but she still looked beautiful. She got in my truck & hugged me.
"What's up B!" she said with a smile on her face.
"Hey gorgeous" I replied. She started to blush a little then turned away. I smirked and started driving.We pulled up to this park & I wasn't sure why but she loved this park. We grabbed a blanket & our basket of food that she said set up & had a picnic. The whole time we just talked about our past memories & our future. She was talking about modeling & how excited she was. I couldn't help but just watch her in amazement and smile. She stopped talking & smirked at me.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked.
"Nothing, just, you're so damn beautiful." her smile faded & so did mine. "What's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head & turned to the sunset. "You're doing it again." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Doing what?" she shook her head again. "That thing when you flirt with me while you're single. You only do it so you don't feel alone, God Blake do you have any respect?"
"What are you talking about. I have more than respect for you."
"Really because you don't really show it." I started getting frustrated. "If I didn't have respect for you I would've fucked you a long time ago & not call you after." I immediately regretted saying that. She stared at me for a minute then got up. "Take me home." she said &I walked back to my truck. "Kiana I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." She didn't respond she just got in the truck. I sighed & got in. I started the car & asked her to put her seatbelt on. She rolled her eyes & buckled up.The car ride was dead silent the whole ride to her house. When we got there she just got out & slammed the door. I got out behind her & grabbed her hand at the door. " I said I was sorry." I said. "K." she responded. I rolled my eyes. "You know what I have respect for you. You're my best friend and you mean everything to me. I know I've been acting weird lately but it's just I... I.." I started to stuttered. Should I say this? "You what?" she asked. I took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm falling for you. Hard & i don't know what to do with myself." I waited for her response but she wouldn't say anything. "Please say something." I begged. She wouldn't speak. She turned away, opened her door and walked inside, closing the door behind her.
I stood there in shock. Did she really just? I grew angrier & angrier inside. I punched her door & got back in my truck.
Kiana's POV
I didn't know what to say. I was in shock. I'm still in shock. Why would he do that? He knows I'm leaving tomorrow. Why wait till now? He's so frustrating. I don't know how I feel about him. I haven't put much thought into it. I mean I don't think I have feelings for him. It's Blake he's like family. I grew up with him. He's my best friend. Where did all of this come from? I'm so damn confused!

Don't Forget Me
FanfictionKiana & Blake. The best of friends since kindergarten. Blake wants to play basketball for the rest of his life. Kiana wants to be a model. Once they have to go their separate ways, how will they ever reunite?