Kiana's POV
I finally picked up my phone answering it after the 5th time it's rang. I checked to see who was calling, Blake. I rolled my eyes and answered it."What!?" I yelled.
"Geez hello to you to princess." He chuckled.
"What do you want Blake?"
"You do realize it's 2 in the afternoon right?"
"So what."
"When will you ever be a morning person?"
"Never. Now what is it?"
"You're coming to the beach today."
"Says who?"
"Says me, get dressed I'll be there in an hour."
End Call.
He's so demanding. I sighed and checked my phone for any notifications before getting up. Nothing. I get out of bed and stretch a little before walking to the bathroom to take a shower.Once I finish my shower I check the time. Blake should be here in about 15. I looked in my dresser not sure of which one I wanted to wear. I settled on a white bikini top that was strapless and had turquoise polka dots with turquoise bottoms. I threw on my white see through swim suit cover up & slipped on my white Louis Vuitton sandals that Andrew got me. I go back into the bathroom brush my teeth, & put in my contacts. I decide to wear no makeup since it's the beach and just Blake. I take my hair out of its bun and let my curls go wild. I hear my phone ringing and do a light jog over to it.
"Hey I'm downstairs" I hear Blake's voice through the phone.
"I'll be right there!" I say hanging up.
As I'm heading out of my bedroom I grab my black Ray Bans and a Louis Vuitton backpack, that Andrew also got me, and fill it with a towel, waters, & snacks. I run down the stairs and open the door to a shirtless Blake. My mouth slightly opens in shock. He damn sure grew up a lot since we were in high school. "You gonna keep staring or are we gonna bust a move?" He smirks making me finally look up to his face. I giggle and walk out the door to his car.
When we pulled up to the beach it looked private. There were only a few people. I look around and get out the car. Blake looks at me and notices my confusion. "I didn't feel like going to the crowded beach. I hope this is alright?" I looked around some more and smiled. "It's great, let's go." I look at Blake who also starts smiling too.
We pick a spot on the beach and set our area up. I kick off my sandals, take off my white cover up, and run to the water, then run back when the waves were coming after me. Blake watched me laughing while he was laying down on the towel still. "You not getting in?" I asked. He shook his head, "I'd rather just watch you run away from waves." he smiled. I shook my head & sat next to him watching the ocean. "This is nice, I'm glad I woke up." I say still watching the huge waves crash. "When will you ever be a morning person?" he said laughing. "Never." I respond seriously. "If you were mine you would be." I heard him whisper. Shocked I turn and look at him, "What?" I asked. "Have you ever woken up to an orgasm?" he asked. I shake my head no. "Well I'd make you a morning person then baby girl." he said getting closer and closer to my face. I turn my head looking back at the ocean. "Don't start that Blake." I say getting a little mad. "Start what?" he questions. "Flirting with me." I sigh. He throws his head back, "Right because you're getting married to what's his name? Andre?" I roll my eyes, "It's Andrew." I say sternly. "Ah right, the British guy, say when are you guys getting married?" I smile. "Next summer." "So in a year?" I nod. "That means you're still a free woman." he adds. I shake my head no, "When I put this ring on my finger I made a commitment to him that I'll stay faithful." "Yeah but not until you're legally married, for now I could be like your side nigga." I roll my eyes and stand up. "I'm ready to go." I gather my stuff and walk to his car. He unlocks it and let's me in.
The car ride back to my house was quiet. I kept staring out the window not even wanting to look at him. When we arrive at my house, I get out without saying a word and walk inside. Blake play too damn much. I went upstairs to take another shower. I put on black spandex and a white shirt. I sat downstairs watching TV. My phone rang I looked down and saw Andrew's name. I smiled and picked it up.
"Hey baby." I say excited to hear his voice.
"So you and Blake Griffin huh?" I sort of feel my heart stop for a second.
"What do you mean?"
"You guys have been hanging out a lot."
"We've hung out like twice."
"Really? Because I have pictures of you with him at a club, at a restaurant, and a beach."
"It doesn't mean anything Andrew."
"Are you cheating on me?" His voice cracked a little and my heart broke.
"What? No! Andrew baby I'd never do that to you. I only want you. Blake and I were close friends when I lived in Oklahoma, we grew up together and we're just kind of rekindling our friendship."
"I don't know, I don't think I'm comfortable with that."
"Don't worry about it, I've got this under control."
"Okay I trust you."
"So I've been thinking. What if we got married earlier? Like when you get back?"
"Really? You wanna get married early? I thought you wanted to wait so you didn't have to plan everything on your own."
"I won't have to Kayla and Bianca can help."
"Okay, whatever you wanna do love. But I was gonna surprise you but I'll actually be back in 2 months."
"Oh my god seriously?! I have so much work to do!"
"Well get to work baby, I'll talk to you soon, I love you."
"I love you too bye."
End CallWell I guess I'm getting married in 2 months.

Don't Forget Me
FanfictionKiana & Blake. The best of friends since kindergarten. Blake wants to play basketball for the rest of his life. Kiana wants to be a model. Once they have to go their separate ways, how will they ever reunite?