Kiana's POV
Today is the day. I'm leaving. I'm done. Peace out Oklahoma, hello California! I mean I am kind of sad to leave. I grew up here, I've lived here my whole entire life. My family and friends are here. I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty scared, I've never been to California, I have no idea what to expect. But I'm more than excited to see my older sister Kayla. I haven't seen her since Christmas."Kiana hurry up!!"
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my mom yell. My bags were packed waiting by my door. It's time to go. I texted Blake for what seemed like the thousandth time asking him if he's going to meet me at the airport. He never responded, not once. I know I shouldn't have just left him standing there without telling him how I felt or whatever he wanted but I was confused & put on the spot. I know it was messed up on my part but, wouldn't it be right to put that aside and say goodbye?I got up off my bed & walked to the door. Before leaving I turned to look at my room. I'm gonna miss it. The turquoise painted walls with decorations covering it. All of my awards & achievements hanging up in my "Hall of Fame" corner. My big queen sized bed with all the blankets & pillows placed to almost perfection. I'm gonna miss my bed the most. Once I got done taking a mental picture of my room, I turned & walked down the stairs to the car. As I sat by the window I looked out at my neighborhood taking another mental picture.
Soon we were getting closer & closer to the airport I texted Blake one more time, but still no response. I guess he's not coming. All because I don't feel the same way about him. Yeah, that's what I came up with. I don't feel the same way about Blake. He's handsome and has a great personality & I love him, but I don't love him that way. But because I feel differently than him he doesn't want to say goodbye. I'm still his best friend. We've still been close to each other for years. But not anymore, he wants to be childish.
When we arrived at the airport I was still looking around hopefully to see Blake. But the only red head I saw coming my way was Gail and next to her Tommy. I smiled even though I was still wondering where Blake was. "Hey girly!" Gail said while pulling me into a hug. I let go & hugged Tommy. "Where's Blake?" I asked. They both got quiet. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, are they not gonna tell me or what? "Blake didn't wanna come honey." Gail said. "Why?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. "He's upset." Tommy responded. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He's so damn childish. "Well I'm glad you guys came" I smiled. They smiled back.
I turned to my parents & my mom was already drowning in tears. "Mom she hasn't even left yet" Keenan spoke. I hugged my parents & pulled Keenan in to our little group hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys." I whispered. I let go then hugged Gail and Tommy. Then Gail started to cry. I turned back to Keenan, "Stay out of my stuff, out of my room, & I won't come back and kick your ass." he rolled his eyes & laughed. "Don't you have a plane to catch?" he responded. I smirk & grabbed my bags to walk inside. When I reached the door I turned and yelled "PEACE OUT OKLAHOMA!!" then continued to walk inside. I checked my bags then sat to wait for my flight. I wish Blake would've came. But you know what fuck him.
Blake's POV
"Do you think I should've went?" I asked Taylor my older brother. "Hell no. She just left you without an answer, how she felt, anything. She didn't even care." He has a point there. She didn't say anything. I put my heart out there & she gave zero fucks. I finally got the courage to tell her how I felt and you know what the fuck she did? She fucking walked inside with nothing to say. Then thinks that I'll come say goodbye. No, you come to me. You come to me and apologize. I've loved her since we were kids and yesterday she crushed me. She broke my fucking heart. So you know what fuck her! I don't need her anyway! I'll find another bitch that'll be itching to have me! I'll have bitches begging for me then she'll want me, but I'll want nothing to do with her. Fuck Kiana Black.

Don't Forget Me
أدب الهواةKiana & Blake. The best of friends since kindergarten. Blake wants to play basketball for the rest of his life. Kiana wants to be a model. Once they have to go their separate ways, how will they ever reunite?