Chapter 7

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"You're Sdghsd?" I ask, my voice shaking as he nods his head.

"How... how did you know it was me?" I force out, my back hitting the back of the tree as I grip my head, feeling dizzy.

"I didn't until I saw my assistant watching you live." He admits. "I knew it was you the moment I heard you speak, during one of your... live streams."

Oh my god, oh my god, I think I'm going to be sick.

"Wh-Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, looking at him. "Is this your sick way of messing with me? To expose me?"

"Expose? What- no." He said angrily. 

"You lied to me about who you were!" I said loudly. "We- You saw me, I sent you- you sent me- oh my god." I felt nauseous.

"I meant everything I said to you Charlotte." He reached out and held me up straight. "You didn't tell me your name either, if you had asked, I would've told you it was me, I even said so last night, or did you forget?"

"I didn't want us to meet like this Charlotte, but I also couldn't just sit back and watch, knowing that other men would also see and talk to you, at first I just wanted to know if it was you, but then everything from the past came up at once and I couldn't stop myself."

My head was spinning, I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You're not making sense!" I frustratedly say, groaning out. "This is wrong- this is crazy Harrison."

He sighs and smiles, which completely baffles me speechless, again. "Why are you smiling?"

"You finally said my name." He said, stepping forward. "I've waited a long time to hear you call me, Charlotte."

Harrison touched my hand with his. "I've waited a long time-"

"There you two are!" A voice startles me, making me push Harrison away from me.

Robbie comes over to both of us, smiling. "We all thought you both ran off together, just like old times." He jokes, looking both of us over.

"Sorry Dad, we were just catching up." Harrison said smiling, looking at me. "Right, Charl?"

I felt the color return to my face as I nodded my head, wanting nothing more than the ground to swallow me up.

"Oh good, sorry to disturb you both, we're gonna bring the cake out any minute and I could use a hand." He said apologetically, before looking at Harrison.

"Sure, I'll be there in a moment." He said to his dad.

His dad's eyes lit up as he looked at me, and then Harrison, his mouth went wide into a 'O' before he chuckled. "Well, I'll be waiting in the kitchen son." He said, before walking away with a smile on his face.

That was odd, I hope he didn't get any bad impression between me and Harrison...

"I'm sorry for the way I approached you Charlotte, I regret not telling you who I was the moment i knew it was you."

"You should regret it, you deceived me." I snapped out, my chest clenching tightly. "You lied to me." Again.

His face goes emotionless as he looks at me.

"If you knew it was actually me, would you even reply back?" He asked suddenly. "Or would you ignore me again?"

What was he-

"I meant everything I said last night on the phone, I think you're the most beautiful girl I've seen, I always have, and I'd do anything to show you that Charlotte, so I won't apologize for the way I approached you because you told me you wanted me to."

My face felt hot as I listened to him speak, completely confused at what he was trying to say, but it felt like he was saying he liked me... but that's impossible.

"I never said anything-"

"You said you wanted me to fuck you." He said slowly, a smile forming on his lips. "Or did you forget?"

A sudden gush of wind hit us, making my hair sway in the wind as Harrison steps forward and bends down, and without realizing what he was doing before it was too late, Harrison kissed me.

Harrison pressed his lips against mine and moved his lips against mine, slowly and gently before moving away, my eyes still wide open in complete shock at what the hell just happened.

"I won't let you run away this time, Charlotte."

That being said, Harrison moved away and walked back to the part of the garden where everyone else was, leaving me standing there without a single thought in my head, as I still feel the sensation of his lips against mine.

It almost sounded like he was confessing his feelings for me.

 But it's still impossible, after ten years... how- why- it doesn't make sense...

...Yet he kissed me and did all those things...

He sent photos of himself to me, we even... together, on the phone...

I hear everyone singing happy birthday so I move away from the tree and make my way back to the party, when I look down the garden, I see Rob and Harrison bringing out a large beautifully decorated cake as everyone sings happy birthday to Gabby.

As I get closer, Harrison's eyes find me, keeping me in place as he kisses his mom on the cheek as she giddily admires her cake with everyone else, I, along with everyone else watch her blow out the big 5 0 candles, and clap.

Harrison... I still feel his eyes on me, and even now I still don't know what to make of this and his confession, what did he really mean, did he do all this just to talk to me, like he said?

How was I going to get out of this, without repeating history? When Harrison is involved, I never know which way is up and which way is down, I never could tell, even now he's changed so much, but some things are still the same.

He's still the Harrison I grew up with, only this Harrison just told me something I never thought he'd say.

What the hell is going on?

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