Chapter 17

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Harrison POV

After another two rounds, Charlotte fell asleep in my arms, exhausted and satisfied.

I wanted to lay there and listen to her soft breathing forever, but the longer I stayed there with my arms wrapped around her, the more I was starting to regret my plan with her.

Fuck- I loved her, I didn't want to hurt her, ever- period.

So then why did I feel so insecure when she was around me? Like a single motion would make her turn around and run away from me, like the slightest inconvenience to her and she would throw me away again.

I wanted to come clean, tell her everything, the truth as to why I didn't come back, how she broke my fucking heart and I was too much of a coward to fly home and face her, ask her why she threw 16 years of friendship out the fucking door like I meant nothing to her.

My best friend back in L.A, Christopher, would say that I'm acting like a pussy, that I needed to just let her go and move on, that I had plenty of women to choose from, and that I just needed to give up and move on.

Christopher was there when I spiraled out of control, the less Charlotte spoke to me, the more I started to give up on acting, Chris was another actor in a movie I was starring in, the first movie offer I got, and the most important movie of my career.

The number of times I bought a ticket, and just sat there in the airport to fly home, to tell her that I loved her- I had lost count of how many times I sat there, and watched my plane fly away.

Fuck- I was Harrison Montgomery, I was a heartthrob for millions of women around the world, and a fucking virgin until recently.

I felt pathetic, worse than pathetic, I felt like a fucking loser, and Charlotte had always made me feel like that, ever since I knew I indeed was in love with her.

Ever since I could walk, she was there, then as we grew she changed into this pretty, funny, and caring girl that made my heart beat faster every time she said my name, but I wasn't the only one looking at her.

She really had no idea just how tough I had it, she was beautiful but naive when it came to men, I spent my entire high school life scaring guys away from her whilst I did everything to make her notice me, other than anything but her best friend.

Even now, I greedily cling to her in hoping she'd look at me, and only me, and not all these other guys flying around her like moths to the flame, ready to take her away from me the moment I turn my back.

Charlotte stirred in my arms and I couldn't help but smile when she snuggled into my chest, a satisfied moan escaping her lips once she has gotten comfortable in my arms.

I should go before my parents wake up and notice my bedroom door is open, and I'm not inside, but with Charlotte, in hers, not that it would shock them, they knew just how I felt about her, ever since I told them when I was 13.

Gently moving from the bed, trying not to wake Charlotte up, I manage to get out of her death grip on my arm and start picking up my towel from the floor, then wrapping it around my waist again.

Looking back at Charlotte one last time before I left, I admired just how beautiful she was, her long dark hair, her pale skin, fuck- the way she smiles in her sleep, like a damn angel sent here to drive me sexually frustrated, my own personal vixen.

Just then, at that moment, I finally made up my mind.

I'm not giving her up for anything, or anyone, fuck revenge- I wanted her to be mine and I wasn't going to get on a plane and let someone swoop in and steal her from me.

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