[8.2] The Visit.

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A visit from someone, nothing could go wrong right?

Y/n's POV:

It's been a few hours, the voice keeps telling me to hide from the visitor even though I don't know who the visitor is.

'Just hide Ink!'

The voice said millions of times a few hours earlier, why was it nervous and keeping me safe? Perhaps because it thinks I am stronger than it? I do not know the answer to the of course, I haven't even met the person personally due to their persuasive sayings. Of course I would have to follow the voice because it sounds like.. it knows what's gonna happen.

I sighed and followed the voices orders.

"Where do you want me to hide?"

I say while leaned back to a wall, staring outside the window not too far away from me.

'Well, anywhere but far away from any void.'

The voice said while the atmosphere shifted into a heavy one. It's an atmosphere that tenses me even though I don't know what I'm afraid of,


It said before I heard crashing sounds downstairs, I flinched but immediately sprinted to the window jumping at it and shattering it in the process of doing so, when I was far away I noticed the Doodle Sphere hogged with light purple colored strings attached to the infinite ceilings of the void. I got the chills as I recognize that string;

The Visitor.


That voice sent shivers down my spine as I turned around, I wish I hadn't because there's a crazy looking woman carried by her light purple strings avoiding to touch the floor of the void, it's face melting while the eyes went all black and poured the liquid out of their eyes. Their mouth was also the same, pouring that same liquid forming a little puddle down the voids floor. I sighed while trembling in.. fear?


It screeched with its demonic voice, something that never made me tremble in fear anymore but something that made my determination pump over the edge. I felt rage bubbling up ready to fight the crazy woman in front of me, I didn't even wanna look at her disgusting melting face right now it just is disgusting as it is.

'Ink! The only way to kill that deity is to..'


She shot her strings at me, damaging the voids floor. I summoned Broomy and painted a gaster blaster into life while she got busy with charging her strings at the blaster as a bluff well for me of course. She didn't notice I teleported behind her due to the black puddle she left earlier that was dripping constantly down her face, I painted black bones into life and shot them at her back. She managed to get a little bit of hit from my bones because the other bones got sliced in half due to her strings attached to her back.


It yelled out of agony, wait what? I thought deities aren't suppose to be damaged or invulnerable? They're deities and all but they're vulnerable, well now that's one thing I'll learn. While fighting the deity, the same question lingers in my mind. How is the deity taking damage? Aren't they celestial gods? Are they not the real god of this world? Are deities just fake? It still continued to mess with me until I noticed a string attached to the ceiling and to her back making her float.

I gulped as I calculated my plan in a hurry while she shot the same strings at me, making me tumble backwards on purpose. She saw this as an opening to slash my left arm but failed to do so since my reflexes are quick. I got up and dodged quickly to the side, avoiding the incoming strings of Fate. I splashed my paintbrush in the purple paint, she scoffed and returned her strings back.

"What're you gonna do?"


"Don't answer me with silence."


"You've disrespected me for the last time, Ink."


"Silent treatment? How disrespectful. Mark this day as your final time to see the ethereal MULTIVERSE!"

She yelled before charging her strings at me in many different directions, I didn't had time to react. The strings got smaller and tinier as they slowly caved in, I felt my world slow down in a moment watching it all happen right before my eyes in a flash.

I can't believe I'm dying again.

I closed my eyes and waited for the strings to envelop me to my death, but that didn't come true.

I opened my eyes in shock as I saw -

"Why're you loosing hope right now?"


gasp. Who?!

Peace out, Laz!

794 words.

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