[19] You were here all along?

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Y/n's POV:

"Indeed family y/n."

I jolted up from my position as I noticed a ghost floating above the ground. They kinda resemble like me but instead they have lots of black ink scattered around their clothes.

"Woah, woah. Calm down, it's me Ink."

He reassured me and I immediately relaxed, finding unease in me. I stared at the ceiling for a long period of time before breaking the silence.

"What brings you here Ink?"

"Decided to leave your mind."

He calmly says before plopping down the bed, in a sitting position staring at me. I glanced away from the ceiling and looked at the ghostly figure in front of me, though he is taller than me.

"I'm surprised no one hasn't figured out you've been reincarnated."

He praises me.

"Ah, no.. Bill knows."

"That guy only knows your name, y/n."

"How come?"

Then the interesting fun stories happened, told by the former protector of the Multiverse. I hadn't enjoyed company or chat with anyone ever since I was reincarnated here, of course I miss the twins but.. I'm dead now, I'm Ink. A long time has passed between me and Ink, chatting the night away. Then his face suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming, I need to go."

He says before getting up and approaching me, his ghostly cold hand touches my forehead. Yet, no one opened the door. How suspicious.

"up on the vents, it's probably fell or swap up there."

Ink responded, unaware of his surroundings and the intentions of those coming in the vents. I frowned and got up, approached the near air vent system and decided to have fun.

"What are you doing?!"

Ink yelled.

"Heh, scaring them."

"Oh, thought you were trying to err.. what was I saying again?"

"You thought I was trying to do something bad."

"Right, right."

'so that's where I inherit my forgetfulness..'

'glad you know where.'


'heh, joking. Who were you talking to earlier?'


'nunya what?'

'nunya business bitch-'

I shot down the destroyer. Ink only stifled a laugh before finally letting it go, laughing with me rhythmically as we heard growls at the vents.


"Mind telling me why you're here?"

I asked Ink, he finally got out and teleported us into Outertale. I need answers, why did I get reincarnated? How could he talk through books? Was he here all along?

"Eh.. It's boring inside your mind especially when you're talking to Error."

He chuckles and stares right through me, as if expecting me to be surprised. I think nothing can surprise me anymore.

"You.. have a soul."

He simply said as his white dilated pupils stared into the galaxy-like sky, the cold wind passing through him.

"Mixed with all the traits."


"Looks like the side effects hadn't kicked in yet."


"Oh, sorry."

"I have a lot of questions to ask Ink."

"I know you do, ask right away."

"Were you here all along?"

"Yep, all along. Watching your every step and every move."

"Gotta say you're quite sharp at making decisions especially killing Fate."

He says through muffled mouth, yawning. I glanced blankly before displaying my soul out.

"Huh.. no wonder."

And so, we talked the night away.


Yeah. See y'all in the next chapter. Random chapter.

Peace out, Laz.

555 words.

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