[12.1] New Era Reborn; Heiwa.

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Peace when it is translated in Japanese.

Y/n's POV:

After the feast with all the sanses, I had found out about all the things I did in the past since they assumed I forgot who they were due to Fate. They say I have a memory of a person who has amnesia, not gonna lie though I can remember every single memory and every little detail they say. The atmosphere feels like home, but different. Yes they do bring me happiness but I miss the twins, I wonder if I'm currently dead in the world back there and I just got reincarnated here as the (Forced) protector and creator. Everything went smoothly, everyone bonded over each other and ooh! I met Fresh and Lust. They were the only ones that caught my attention at the feast, I don't know what they did to catch my attention but I think it is due to there difference of behaviors to others? I'm not having a favoritism here like a certain someone. Whilst eating, Error decides to announce some important things to say as to my reunion and a surprising speech.

"Today, we are all gathered here for the return of our protector. But before that let me announce a speech."

He says before pouring champagne- how do they drink with their mouths stuck in that toothy grin? Don't question the logic. The author will be mad and possibly -


The assistant of the author, Liz said.


The destroyer yelled.

"Ugh, whatever take two!"

*** STATIC ***

The destroyer says before pouring champagne at the glass, the silence and the champagne poured is the only sound you hear.

"Ahem, so now. I've decided to.. make a treaty of peace with Ink."

The words pierced through my head, it repeated the same last words.

"..make a treaty of peace with Ink."

The thought circled throughout my head, a never-ending rollercoaster. Treaty, peace, with me? Now, this is a bit too soon.. besides, it's been just I don't know maybe a day? A week? And he suspiciously starts a treaty with me? Isn't he suppose to be wary of me, or cautious of me since I saved him? What the hell is this?

"Ink? Do you have any objections, questions?"

The destroyer asked me, my fingers twitched at the name he had called. Ink. I nervously sighed while my hands were trembling.

"I have one."

"Let's hear it then."

He says like he expected it. I gathered courage, and find the words in order to tell him.

"Uhm, this peace treaty of yours is so soon. Shouldn't you be cautious? Wary about me and what I could do to betray you? Plus, a treaty with me? You know I forget things such as those so I might attack you. Error, it'd be best-"

"So you're saying I wait your answer at my proposal?"

"I- no. Not like that!"

I manage to tumble out the words out of my mouth, making me feel at ease. I got too nervous that I lead him thinking that I should answer his proposal later, god why am I shy? No. What am I nervous for anyway?

"Make your decision Ink."

His words warn me. I drank a glass of champagne first before fully regaining my usual composure, a facade. My eyes trailing at the outline of the plate, everything is so familiar.. perhaps I experienced this already? I might be homesick if that's the case.

"I'll accept the proposal."

The words I said, I could never go back in time to erase it. The whole room went silent for a while before clapping, congratulations and laughs filled the dining room.

Dream stands before coughing.

"The treaty of peace has officially been signed, a new era is born. Hence, what would you like to call the era?"

Dream asked us both, Error looked at me and smiled.

It didn't take long for me to find a name.


"Alright, introductions once again."

"Ink, both protector and creators of Au's. Error, destroyer of Au's. Will you gladly accept this treaty of peace?"

"In the alias of the Destroyer, I will gladly accept the proposal."

It was then my turn.

"In the name of Ink, I will accept the proposal with my life."

"Alright! The treaty of peace is now signed off."

Dream cheerfully said before gesturing for us to stand and the sanses looked at us, I could feel Error's gaze at me.

"Hence, a new era is born. The treaty was signed by the destroyer and protector, Ink and Error. Hence, let us welcome the Heiwa Era!"

Dream cheerfully said, clapping. The sanses slowly joined the claps and even greeted the new era of the Multiverse. I felt at peace, now that everything is gone.

I can finally rest.


Woah, hold up. This isn't the end, THERE'S STILL MORE! Do not give up, on the next chapter will show-

No, I'm not spoiling~

Also, the previous creator Laz didn't want Bill coming in the story since the comments from chapter 1 has spoiled Bill!Sans coming in the story so, sorry~

Well why am I saying sorry? Eh, let's get to the ending..

Peace out, Liz.

892 words.

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