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Lexie sat in her room and sighed. She knew that she was heading back to school and she was scared. Lexie was scared over all that had happened and she didn't know what to think over it all

Lexie knew how she hadn't been out of hospital ling and she knew that the last thing that she wanted was to push herself before she was ready

Lexie knew that she had her issues. She knew how she had an eating disorder and she knew how it terrified her

Lexie smiled as she saw texting Tom and placed her phone on the side as she walked down into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Karen

"I made you some breakfast I am not trying to force you it's just done toast" Karen said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

Lexie knew that she was trying to get better but the thought of food made her feel sick

Lexie looked to Karen and sighed "I'm not hungry. She can't force this" Lexie said as Karen looked to her and sighed as she sat at the kitchen table and smiled

"I know that you have been through a lot but you don't need to worry. It will be okay I just want to get you better" Karen said as she looked to Lexie who nodded

"I know but I have an eating disorder and sticking food in my face isn't going to help. I have to take it one step at a time" Lexie said as Karen looked to her and smiled

Lexie got to school and stood in the hallway as she saw Madison who walked over to her and smiled

"How are you feeling?" Madison asked as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. I just want to try and do this I mean coming back to school it isn't easy" she said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard. It will be okay. I knew how you were struggling with things and it will be okay and you will get better" Madison said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I know it's just hard when mum is always handing me food and it's just making me not want to eat" Lexie said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but it will be okay. You are strong and no matter what happens your not alone" Madison said

Lexie walked into toms classroom and looked to him and smiled

"How is your first day back" he asked as she looked to her

"I'm okay I just want to make it work and I just want everything to me okay I'm just scared" she said as Tom pulled her into his arms and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know it's hard but I'm here and I am going to help you and be with you every step of the way. It will be okay" he said as he leant in and kissed her.

She kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She knew just how everything wasn't going to be like it was but could Lexie cope with it?

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