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Madison looked at Lexie in shock. She turned to Tom. "What's she talking about?" She asked.

"I don't know. She's fancied me for ages. I know she has. This is her attempt at trying to get me," Tom said.

Madison frowned. "Why would she do that?"

"I've told you. She's fancied me."

"No. Why would she tell me that you had an affair with her? Right after I heard you arguing. One of you is lying and one of you is telling the truth. So who?" Madison asked.

Lexie was crying. "Madison. I'm your little sister. I wouldn't lie to you. I love you."

Madison could see in Lexie's eyes that she was telling the truth. She looked at Tom. "You're a lying cheat! Get out of my house before I kill you!" She yelled.

Tom frowned. "Madison. Please. She's lying. We're engaged. Why would I sleep with an underage girl?"

"Tom. I suggest you go before you make things worse," Max said.

Tom scoffed. "Wanted Madison for ages haven't you? Now she knows this, you think you can win her back. Well it won't work."



Lexie was sitting in her bedroom. Madison walked in and smiled. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Lexie nodded. "Yeah. I'm so sorry Mads. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to know the truth."

Madison sighed. "I'm not mad at you. I'm disgusted with him. But I need to know, did he take advantage?" She asked.

Lexie shook her head and sighed. "We both wanted it."

"When did it start?"

"B-Before I knew he worked at Waterloo Road. I didn't know about you and him. When I found out, I wanted you to know."


Lexie was taking a day off school. She walked downstairs and saw Max. She smiled. "Did you stay over?" She asked.

Max nodded. "Yes. On the sofa. Madison wanted some space and she thought I could help her with Esmè."

Lexie sighed. "She hates me doesn't she?"

"No. She's hurt that Tom would do that. But she doesn't hate you. She's more annoyed at Tom," Max said.


Tom walked into the staffroom. He saw Madison and Max up the corner. He walked over. "Not even a day and you're already up a corner with him."

"Not that it's any of your business, we have been talking about our daughter. Because she's going to have questions.  Questions I don't want to answer," Madison spat.

Tom sighed. "Please forgive me. I didn't know she was your sister."

"Would it have made a difference if you did know?"

Tom shrugged. "I can't answer that. Because I know that even if I give you an answer, you'll be pissed."

Madison rolled her eyes. "You has an affair with an underage girl. You abused your position of trust. You could be sent down for this."


Lexie was watching Esmè while she wasn't at school. Esmè smiled. "Daddy sayed that Tommy wont be coming no mores. Why?" She asked.

"Mummy will talk to you when she's home beaut."

Esmè giggled. "Can we play dollies? Daddy buyed me some new ones."

Lexie nodded. But she was distracted. All she kept on thinking about was what was happening to Tom. And if Karen knew about the affair.


Madison came back home and sighed. She sat down. "Max is giving it a week before he says something. Which means you have to keep away from Tom. You can't see him. Speak to him or even be in the same room as him."

Lexie nodded. But could she actually keep away from Tom?

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