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Lexie walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Madison who looked to her and smiled

"are you okay?" Madison asked as Lexie nodded

"mum rang me, she wants me to go home" Lexie said

"and do you want that?" Madison asked as Lexie looked to her and nodded

"I think it is for the best. After all that happened with me and Tom I think that I need to go home" Lexie said as Madison smiled

"I told you it's not your fault. Your allowed to stay here" Madison said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"you don't get it" Lexie said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"try me"

"i admitted over me and Tom as I wanted you to know the truth. I didn't want to ban me from seeing him. Your not my mum" Lexie said as Madison looked to her and smiled


"love him and you have no idea over it all, you had to tell max and he's ruined everything and I can't he around here where he comes. I am going home it is only best. He's ruined everything" Lexie said


"leave it Madison. The damage has been done" Lexie said as she walked out of the room as he looked to her and sighed

Lexie got to school and stood in the hallway and sighed as she saw Tom. She looked to him and smiled.

Lexie was scared and she didn't know what to do. She knew that she missed him and it killed her. Lexie sighed as she saw max as he stood watching her down the hallway.

Lexie felt her blood boil as she looked to him. She hated it, she hated how they were constantly watching her and she hated how she knew that there would not be a lot to be together.

Lexie sighed as she walked off into the common room and sighed. Lexie throw her bag down and sat down as she ran her hands through her hair. She started to cry hating how it was a mess.

Lexie wanted to be with Tom and she wanted them to be together and happy but she knew that there was no way it could happen. Lexie looked as the door closed and Tom walked in. She looked to him and smiled

"I'm sorry" she said as he smiled

"don't, it's okay" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I just wish that there was a way we could be together but I messed it all up" she said as he smiled

"it's okay, it won't be easy but we will find a way I promise" he said as he walked over to her.

He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he wiped the tears away from her face

Lexie got home and sighed. She was back home with Karen and the rest of the family. She walked to her bedroom window and sighed as she looked out.

She felt her heart break knowing that everything seemed impossible but she knew she wanted to make it work and she knew it was risky but she knew That despite all that happened just wanted to make it work with Tom but lexie had no idea how her life was going to go off of the rails

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