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Lexie woke and walked downstairs. She saw Tom was there and sighed. "Morning Lex."

"Mr Clarkson. Hello."

Madison walked in and frowned. She could tell there was something going on with her sister and her boyfriend. But she didn't say anything. She wanted to see what went on with them over the next few weeks.

Madison smiled. "Lex. Do you fancy coming to pick Esmè up? Max text me this morning saying she wanted to see you."

Lexie smiled and nodded. "Okay."


Lexie walked up the path to Max's house with Madison. Lexie sighed. "Has mum said anything?" She asked. 

"No babes. Don't let her bother you. You've always got a home with me. Esmè will love having you around," Madison said as she knocked on the door.

Max opened and smirked. "Well if it isn't the Fisher sisters. Come in. Esmè is in the garden. The little demon is covered in mud."

"Also known as you're a soft touch and you let her do whatever she wants," Madison said as she turned to Lexie. "Don't let the big scary executive head act fool you. He's a softie deep down. Soft spot for his little princess."

Lexie grinned. "Hard not to. She's the best."


Lexie sat in Max's garden with Esmè. Esmè giggled. "Daddy tells me that he want mummy back in he bed. Me no know what dat means," she said.

"It means to sleep kiddo. Nothing else."

Esmè frowned. "But last night, me went in daddy's room and he was making silly noises. But there was no one there!"

Lexie grinned. "That's okay beaut. He was probably asleep."

Esmè shook her head. "No. He eyes was open! And he's hand was moving!"

Lexie burst out laughing when she realised Esmè had walked in on Max. "Don't worry beaut."


Lexie went back home with Madison and Esmè. Tom was there. Lexie rolled her eyes but walked inside with her niece. "Me no like him. I want daddy here."

Lexie smiled. She took Esmè upstairs and ran her a bath. "I has bath at daddy's."

"Mummy said you need another one."

Esmè pouted. "But den me be too clean. Nanny Tyler say me can't be too clean cause I won'ts be happy."


Later on that evening, Lexie was sitting in the kitchen when Tom walked in. "Madison is putting Esmè to sleep. Are you okay?"

"Why do you rub my nose in it? You're shagging my sister but shagging me on the side. What's that all about Tom?" She asked.

"Lex. Please. No one can know about us. They really can't. Madison is a cover. It's you I want," Tom said.

Lexie wasn't convinced. She didn't trust him at all. He was stringing along two sisters and if anyone was to find out, she would be the one who was hated.

Lexie knew there was only thing that she could do. She had to somehow find a way to come clean about her affair with Tom. But could she do it without losing the only person who actually cared for her? Or would she be the one who was left alone?

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