Chapter 23: Another Successful Test and a New Objective

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"Sirs, we're detecting a Republic Convoy directly ahead? What do you want us to do?"

The hologram of Dooku eyed both me and Grievous from atop the central podium. Even though he'd departed the ship physically, he occasionally returned in Hologram form to keep observing the tests.

Looking at a scan of the convoy, it seemed to only consist of one Venator destroyer and three Pelta-Class Medical Frigates. Likely transporting their wounded. I stepped over to the bridge's window, getting a look at the ships for myself.

Image of a Pelta-Class Medical Frigate:

A grin spread across my face as I muttered "Easy pickings

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A grin spread across my face as I muttered "Easy pickings." Turning to the pilot droids, I instructed "Get us into position and charge the Ion weapon!" The droids began inputting buttons on the console, our ship turned so that we were no at a side-on angle with the convoy.

The cannon began charging up, following the usual procedure until it was a max-power. Once that was done, I pointed towards the Republic ships and ordered "FIRE!" With the input of the sequence, the purple blast shot out, completely engulfing them all.

As soon as it was clear power had been completely drained I followed up by ordering "Now open fire. I don't want any survivors this time!" I was still angry after that freighter had escaped us at Abregado. I wasn't taking ANY chances!

The cannons rained down, hammering the Venator and the frigates. They were unable to defend themselves as they rag-dolled out of control under the heavy fire. The frigates began to break apart first, exploding and sending debris. The Venator didn't fare much better as it to soon broke apart.

Behind me, Grievous slowly began to approach where I was stood as he mocked "So much for the Jedi escort!" I turned to him saying "Glad I'm not the only one finding amusement in this." True, even a Venator with a Jedi at its bridge was powerless against us now!

It seems things weren't over though. As one of the pilot droids informed us "The last transport is fleeing General. You've got them on the run." I looked out and sure enough, it seemed one of the medical frigates had avoided the Ion cannon's range and was using this brief window to make a getaway.

Grievous stepped to the pilots and stated "They won't get far. Charge the plasma rotors!" We angled ourselves at the right position and once again began the charging process for the Ion Cannon.

I watched in anticipation, this ship was much slower than the freighter however I didn't want it to jump to hyperspace. Before it could though, the Ion Cannon was fully charged which caused Grievous to roar "Fire Ion weapon!"

Attempt number two worked perfectly. A second ball of energy was fired, this time hitting the frigate head-on causing it to dip down with its lack of power. Straight away we followed up with the cannons, blasting the small vessel relentlessly.

As this happened one of the Droids commented "Boy, this is a lot more fun when they aren't shooting back." The droid next to it replied "I still can't seem to hit anything!" This only angered Grievous who let out a roar and struck the droid around the head, knocking it from its seat.

Dooku instantly ridiculed the cyborg, "Grievous, those Battle Droids are expensive! The Jedi are never that harsh with their Clones." Grievous spun around and instantly retorted "HA! The care these Jedi show for their troops, is a weakness!"

I couldn't help but agree. I'd said before, I didn't like the Clones. Kill one and another would be right there to take its place. They were no better than droids and yet, the Jedi treated them like their friends. Despite how untrustworthy they seemed.

Even Dooku agreed with the statement, saying "A weakness we shall continue to exploit." He reached on his belt and brought up a Hologram device. With the push of the button, another hologram emerged showing a building, or a ship? I was unsure what it was at first.

Dooku explained "I have the coordinates for a new target. The Republic's secret Outer Rim, Medical Station. It is unprotected and treating over sixty thousand wounded Clones. We will do them a favour and put them out of their misery."

Turning the hologram off, he continued "Once you have destroyed it, there will be no where for the Jedi to send their wounded. And they will die." Grievous wasted no time responding "It will be a pleasure my Lord." I bowed politely and said "If they aren't willing to protect their Medical Station, then that sounds like a suitable next step. We shall get it done Count."

Dooku smirked, saying "I feel very confident leaving the ship under you two's command General, Minister." With that he signed off. Before we could think of the next step, one of the Droids alerted us "General, Minister!"

Looking out, we saw several Escape Pods fleeing the Medical frigate. Not that it would do much good for them. I snarled as Grievous pointed and snapped "Target those Escape Pods, I have a reputation to uphold!"

Our cannons rained down on the pods, destroying them one by one. I turned to the pilots and said "Once that's done prepare to make the jump to light speed!" With Dooku gone, I stepped up onto the pedestal in the centre of the bridge.

The time had arrived to strike a deadly blow to the Republic...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I'll admit, the Malevolence arc was one of my favourites when I was younger, I had the box-set with these episodes on for DVD. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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