Chapter 74: Windu's Siege, Rematch with the Old Master

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Tambor's greed had been our undoing. His insistence on waiting for that final shipment of valuables had allowed the Republic to breech the city. Apparently, Windu and two troopers had stowed away aboard one of the containers, killed the inspection team that scanned the cargo and managed to reach the city before the bridge was deactivated.

The bridge's shut-down had isolated them from the rest of the Republic forces, however I knew this wouldn't last long. With Windu leading the charge, he'd find a way. One way or another. And that's why I had to interfere.

I just walked calmly, despite the panicked state of the droids. Rushing frantically to fend off these intruders. It was all worthless for them, I knew exactly where he'd be, so I walked at my own pace, calmly breathing to myself.

Was I anxious? Yes! I'd mentally prepared myself for encounters with my old Master. But even now, knowing what was to come. I knew Windu's fighting style, about as much as I knew Kenobi's or Unduli's. But even so, I knew that wasn't enough.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, there was no time for doubts now. My pace quickened as I exited the building to be met with droids trying to repel the invaders. And it was now, that I saw the unmistakable purple flash.

My eyes narrowed, before I knew it I'd reached for my lightsaber and had it ignited. The bright red blade extended outward, I stepped forward once again, even going as far as to push a Battle Droid that got in my way aside.

This was what caught the attention of my old master. It was similar to our confrontation on Geonosis, as Windu swung and cut down another droid he noticed me. Only this time he instantly stated "Y/N!" Before lashing out in an attack.

I was lucky I'd already drawn my weapon. Otherwise with Windu's sheer strength and speed, the battle would have ended here. Suffice it to say, I managed to block his attack, requiring both hands on the hilt.

We clashed for a moment before stepping back from each other and glaring into one another's eyes. Windu raised his saber and pointed it in my direction. "Surrender Y/N! You can't defeat me. Turn yourself over and tell us where Wat Tambor is located NOW!"

I knew the objective of this fight. Defeat Windu if I could, but ultimately buy time for Tambor and that Tactical Droid to escape. I just had to last until then. I answered Windu's demand with an angered grimace. "What makes you think he hasn't escaped already?" To this Windu retorted.

"Whether he has or not, you're coming with me!" I raised my own lightsaber, mirroring his stance as I said "We shall see." I shifted for a moment, giving him an honourable salute before preparing for the inevitable battle.

The time for talk had ended, for now. Now it was just a matter of who would strike first. Battle Droids rushed forward, prepared to open fire however I ordered "Stay back! This fight is mine! Just ensure none of his 'friends' can interfere."

The droids all responded with a series of "Roger Rogers." Me and Windu stared at one another before I finally decided to make the first move. Stepping forward, I brought my saber out for a downward swing.

Windu went to counter, however that was my plan. That move was a fake-out as I swiftly changed it into a thrusting attack, stabbing my blade forward to catch him off guard. Not that it did much good. As I'd said, Windu's prowess was unlike any other. So even a tactic like that proved ineffective. As soon as my attack shifted, as did Windu's movements, he moved to counter the slash before swiping my saber to the side, making my thrust miss its mark.

I was lucky. Form 2 didn't require the user to channel the Dark Side to be effective as it was already designed for combat against other lightsaber users. Leaning too heavily on the Dark Side against Windu was a death sentence. 

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