Chapter 78: Confronting Clovis

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Anakin POV

Something felt amiss, and I wasn't talking about the Trade Federation or that Clovis. Those factors already put me on-edge. But there was something, a disturbance in the Force I couldn't shake. I'd sensed this presence before and I knew exactly where from.

Y/N! These were the same disturbances I felt whenever he was around. The last time I'd felt it this strongly was on that listening post. My concern for Padme skyrocketed. I knew Y/N had strong ties to Gunray and given this was the Trade Federation home world.

What was Y/N doing here?


I don't know how long I'd been waiting in the lounge of the suite, I hadn't even tried getting any rest. The mere presence of Senator Amidala had my in an uncomfortable position. She could compromise the whole deal! 

And I was also sensing an uneasy ripple in the Force. However for now, I couldn't let that distract me from the goal. This new Droid Foundry would line my pockets with numbers of credits unlike any I'd seen.

My hope was that Dodd had managed to use Clovis' love of Padme to haggle a better price. Those Senators were an untrustworthy bunch. However in a bargain such as this, I'd learned to tolerate them.

Poggle had left the room some time ago so I was left alone to think. So far, this war had been like pouring credits down into a bottomless chasm. I'd invested and invested but ultimately, I was beginning to come up short.

The Malevolence was supposed to be an indestructible force on the battlefield! But it been destroyed within weeks. The Skytop Stations were supposed to give us ears all across the galaxy! But the destruction of one had brought into question the security of others!

Rodia had closed their agreement with us  and Ryloth had proved to be a lost cause. I'd got that shipment of valuables and had them all stored away on Corellia until I found someone interested in buying them.

That may be why my aides agreed to this contract without my knowledge. I hoped this deal would work. The valuables from Ryloth could provide me with credits, but not nearly enough to cover the losses.

And all these losses rooted back to one of three people. Skywalker, Kenobi and Amidala. Windu as well, but he wouldn't have reached Ryloth if it weren't for Skywalker and Kenobi. My fist clenched tightly as I narrowed my eyes.

My thought process was suddenly cut short as the door to the suite lounge opened up to reveal a Neimoidian looking rather panicked. I turned to him and snapped angrily "What is the meaning of this interruption?!"

The Neimoidian only seemed to panic more as he stammered out "M-Minister. You need to come quickly! I-it's Senator Clovis sir!" I raised an eyebrow and asked "What about him?" What the Neimoidian said next only served to make me even angrier.

"He lost the disc with the factory's hologram and is now trying to escort Senator Amidala off-planet!" 

While this revelation angered me. It may also prove to be a useful opportunity to reset the conditions on our agreement. I asked "Where is he?" The Neimoidian gestured me to follow saying "He's heading towards the platform, Senator Dodd told me to come find you! Follow me."

I did just that, standing up, I followed the Neimoidian servant out of the room, down the corridor. We went out into the entrance hall again this time, going to another door I'd not gone through before.

Soon enough, we reached the landing platform in question, just in time to see Amidala's craft taking off! Shifting my attention, I saw Clovis watching it leave, behind him were Dodd, Poggle and a contingent of Battle Droids.

I stepped closer, causing Dodd to say "So, you made it. I wondered when you'd arrive." I remained silent and instead kept my focus on the inept Banking Clan Senator. Dodd did the same and called out "Clovis! We need to talk!"

This got his attention, he slowly turned his head before turning to fully face us and walked toward us. I'll give him credit, even as the droids raised their blasters to point at him, Clovis held himself in a confident manner.

As he came to a stop. Dodd spoke coldly "You have made a fool of me Clovis. You allowed that Senator to run circles around you and now she's made off with the hologram! For this transgression. There is only one thing I see fit."

With a gesture of his hand, the droids all seemed ready to fire. However I saw a more efficient method, I quickly interjected "Wait!" This caught the attention of all who were present. Dodd asked "What are you thinking Minister?"

Stepping towards Clovis, I said "I'm thinking, there is a way in which our 'friend' here keeps his life. And WE come out of this RICHER." To that Poggle gave a nod of approval, Dodd stated "Continue." I turned my attention back to Clovis.

In an instant my hand was raised in a gesture. I didn't do anything though. Instead I spoke calmly, but with a threatening edge to show Clovis I wasn't to be taken lightly. "The only reason you still breathe Senator is because I have use for you. Now, let us negotiate new terms for this investment."

Clovis, just seemed confused and asked "W-what terms are you talking about Minister? Your aides made it clear and agreed to the terms." My initially calm expression instantly shifted to the glare I'd had in the suite earlier that night.

"My aides aren't here right now. You're dealing with me. No then, I'm going to give you two choices. One, you give the Shipwright's Guild, Trade Federation and the Geonosians a higher stake in the new foundry. Or two, you die here and now."

The igniting of my lightsaber made Clovis step back. He raised his hands "I-if I do that. There will be little left for the Banking Clan." I stated "If this factory is as successful as you said, you will still get a decent sized cut. I'm just ensuring WE have the power here."

Clovis thought over his options, I saw him briefly eyeing his blaster at his waist. But his eyes landed on my lightsaber and he must have figured it was a useless effort. A sigh escaped him. "Fine. I will contact the Core Five and get their approval."

I smirked "Very good. I expect to hear a favourable response." With that I turned to walk off the platform, back to my ship. There was no reason to stay here any longer. Dodd commented "Nicely handled Minister." I just silently nodded as the Battle Droids all lowered their weapons.

I'd spared Clovis in my own interest. I had a feeling in the future, he'd prove useful once more...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter and the 'Senate Spy' part. I know this was the shortest one so far but this arc is still far from over. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thanks for reading.

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