Chapter 76: The Bounty Hunter and the Holocron

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The order itself was nothing out of the ordinary, it may have seemed a bit strange based purely off the instructions Dooku gave. But they were nothing compared to the true identity of my instructor.

It wasn't out of the ordinary for me to be ordered to loan ships to a Separatist general. In fact that was mostly my role within the Separatists. However this was no general, and no ordinary mission. I was referring to a Bounty Hunter, none other than CAD BANE! 

Another familiar name, much like Jango Fett and Durge, he was a big performer among Bounty Hunters. I wasn't surprised he was hired eventually. I just didn't expect I'd actually have to loan him ships.

Image of Cad Bane:

Somehow, the Duro Bounty Hunter had managed to steal a JEDI HOLOCRON! Right under the Jedi's noses at that! I don't know  how he'd done it

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Somehow, the Duro Bounty Hunter had managed to steal a JEDI HOLOCRON! Right under the Jedi's noses at that! I don't know  how he'd done it. But myself along with Nute Gunray had both been ordered to loan him our fleet. Or more so, it was Gunray's fleet, but since I'd built those ships, I had to know where they were!

As impressive Cad Bane's feat was, that wasn't what unnerved me about the order. Dooku had ordered me to allow Gunray to hand-over my ships to the Bounty Hunter. However he had contacted me on behalf of another.

Darth Sidious HIMSELF!

Dooku's master, the shadowy mastermind behind the Clone War. I'd never met him in person, or even via hologram. Even now, he'd spoken through Dooku. I will admit, I was confused, it seems a few of the Separatist higher-ups had met him, Dooku, Gunray, maybe even Grievous. Yet I hadn't, and I didn't know if I wanted to.

As unnerved as I was aside, I'd agreed to the order without question. I had a hologram channel to Gunray and we'd just managed to get in touch with the Bounty Hunter himself. With the holocron in hand, my concern was my ships remaining intact!

Cad Bane POV

With the Republic ship blocking our escape, I was already annoyed. With that Jedi dead, my means of unlocking the holocron were gone. But not lost. I'd just have to find another, and try a different method to 'encourage' them to cooperate.

I had a visual on the approaching ship and the exterior of my own frigate. Whoever was my adversary, they were using unorthodox methods, even going as far as to land their walkers on the top of my ship. Suffice it to say, my annoyance only increased when a droid approached with two holograms.

The first I recognized as the Trade Federation's Viceroy Nute Gunray who wasted no time complaining. "When Darth Sidious asked me to loan you the Federation fleet, he never said you were going to war! Bane! You have already lost four of my ships! I hope you can pay for all of this!"

I instantly held up the artefact I'd been hired to find, bluntly saying "One authentic Jedi Holocron and the memory crystal I was after. Once my benefactor gets this, he will compensate you both for your puny fleet."

Image of the Jedi Holocron:

At this, the second figure stepped forward

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At this, the second figure stepped forward. Again, I was vaguely familiar with him. The Minister of the Intergalactic Shipwright's Guild, Y/N L/N. There were strange things surrounding him. That he was a former Jedi who'd murdered the previous Minister to take the position.

His eyes narrowed as he stated coldly "I'd watch my mouth if I were you Bane. Otherwise not getting paid will be the last thing you need to worry about." He raised a hand however I just scoffed.

"And I'd be conscious about what I said Minister. You think you can threaten me? Would you be willing to back it up?" For a moment we just glared at one another. The silence was broken when a particular blast damaged our shield, causing the ship to shake.

I staggered a bit but was quickly able to regain my footing. A smirk appeared across my face as I said "Heh, sounds like the Jedi want it back." My attention shifted to the monitors viewing the top of the ship.

Several Separatist Vulture Droids attempted to stop the incoming walkers however they were no match when a pair of Jedi leapt from the Republic transports and began cutting them down. Upon seeing one of them's faces, a wave of recognition came over me.

Skywalker... I'd heard about him before. Before my thoughts could get too far, one of those Battle Droids approached and informed "The Jedi are overwhelming our Vulture Droids." It then went on to ask "Should we send out reinforcements?"

I snapped in response "No!" This caused Gunray to ask in shock "What are you doing?!" And L/N to exclaim "Idiot!" The droid clarified "Did you say no?!" I just grumbled both as an answer and a warning not to test me "Mm hmm."  The droid turned away, saying "Roger Roger."

Gunray rambled "The Jedi will board the ship and get the Holocron back! Transmit the information and close the deal immediately!" L/N obviously knew how these worked as he said "That won't work."

I assured him "You shouldn't worry Minister, there are two Jedi on their way to help me. One more than we need for our purposes." L/N nodded "Clever thinking." Gunray still wasn't convinced, he snapped "You had better live through this! I want my money Bane!" 

I nodded, coldly confirming "You can both count on it." With that Gunray ended the transmission, however L/N remained for a second, warning "Do not underestimate the Jedi. I have confidence you shall accomplish your mission, and receive your reward."

With that his signed off as well. I snarled at the transmitters. The Separatist leadership were full of money-grabbing cowards. Throwing their credits around, but with no strength to back it up. 

As long as they paid well, I'd do their dirty work...


As soon as the hologram to Bane shut off, I was left with just Gunray's hologram. I turned to him and asked something that was on my mind. "What's the status regarding our investment on Geonosis?"

Gunray answered "Senator Dodd has been trying to negotiate with the Banking Clan, but that Senator of theirs is proving tough to crack. Dodd assures me there will be a workaround for this." I nodded saying "I hope he's right. For your sake."

With that, the hologram to Gunray shut off as well, leaving me along in my dark office. I let out a sigh for a moment. I was taking a risk investing in this new project on Geonosis. A new droid foundry, one of the largest built. Capable of generating humongous profits! Hence why I was desperate for a share in it.

It had better be worth it....

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I only included one for this arc because I felt that Y/N would have only really fit in this scene. It's likely Cad Bane will return in one of, if not both of the follow-up books to this. And now we're moving on to the final arc of the story, I hope you enjoy and as always, thank you for reading.

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