Joffrey Baratheon

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Months have passed by, I am sitting at the table listening to everyone speak. Events over the months have proven to be more than great, my spies were able to get the Targaryen girl, killing her. Ending one threat is a good thing for the realm, other than that I had gotten rid of Littlefinger because I know the truth of his type of character. Since he was the master of coin, I have given the position to my uncle Tyrion Lannister as the new master of coin.

And a good thing, in three months I became a father to a beautiful daughter. A princess of the realm, Sansa named her after her aunt, Lyanna Stark. I do not mind at all, the name is a great name. I wonder what my daughter will be like when she gets older. On the other hand, my uncle Stannis Baratheon made attempts at attacking king's landing to take my throne from me but with great preations were able to fight him and his men off from the blackwater bay.

But from the spies, we know that the fool of the man is at dragonstone. He is an end that needs to be dealt with. While sitting at the table, I looked at my grandfather while thinking about marriages for my mother and my sister. Tyrion and I decided on sealing the deal with Dorne with my sister. And that my mother is married off to the heir to Highgarden, Ser Loras Tyrell.

I know that she will not take this very well but it is not my job to care about the feelings of my mother, I have seven kingdoms to run and my mother is the least of my worries. Having a letter sent to Highgarden for the Tyrell's to come to king's landing for the marriage pact and another letter to Dorne for my sister's hand in marriage.

Leaving the room heading my wife and my beautiful daughter, upon entering inside the room I can see my Sansa holding our daughter in her arms as Sansa sang to her. Walking up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder.

" How are my beautiful girls?" I asked

" We are well, what about you, your grace?" Sansa asked me

" All good, having things taken care of."

We and Sansa continue to talk in the baby room before Sansa hands the baby back to the wet nurse. Taking her hand into my own we leave the room heading to the throne room. Coming to a stop I kissed Sansa's hand before leaving it to take my seat at the iron throne and watched her walk to the gallery with the other noble ladies of the court. But one of the king's guards stands by Sansa keeping her safe.

I take my seat on the iron throne to start the day, to see what issues had started in king's landing already. And as the same the old stupid petty stuff happening in king's landing. But I was able to stop a horrible act that was happening in my city, the use of children. I will not say too much on the matter of that but I was able to fix it with the use of the gold clocks. 

Taking care of the duties of king's landing, being with Sansa and our daughter making sure that they are well. I keep going over the dreams I had, on what will come if I do not act now. But other than that the letters for house Tyrell to come to king's landing. Upon their arrival, I saw Lady Margaery Tyrell, my aunt by her marrying my uncle Renly Baratheon. Then I saw her brother, Ser Loras Tyrell walking close to Renly already showing me what is happening between them both.

Inside the throne room looking at my mother as Tywin tells the court the union to be, between my mother and Ser Loras Tyrell. The look on her face was priceless. I will make sure that she marries Ser Loras Tyrell,to have the tyrell's tied to us. We could use their gold for the crown could be better for us in the long run.

After telling the news of the new marriage offer for my mother, however, she is not my problem. Walking to Sansa who is holding Lyanna in her arms. Smiling at them both, kissing Sansa then my daughter we walk on with the kingsguard following right behind us. As we walk towards my rooms I can hear my mother following right behind us, rolling my eyes knowing where this is going.

" Joffrey" Cersei spoke out

" Sansa, go inside I will be there in a moment." I say watching her nod her head.

Turning to my mother

" Mother. What is the matter?"

" The tyrell's, why are you selling me off to Ser Loras tyrell?"

" Because it is a good offer to make for the crown and I have to do things that will be good for the realm. And no one, not even you are above the realm. Now mother, I suggest you get yourself ready to be married to Ser Loras tyrell." I say leaving my mother standing in the halls

I spend the next few hours with Sansa and my daughter.

The next few days in king's landing I attended and I had to make my mother marry Ser Loras Tyrell. I had to drag her to the sept to be married, Tywin also had to pull her down to the aisle as well, mostly of us were done with her behavior. Looking towards Jaime, seeing his face in pain watching Cersei getting married. Serves him right, where he will be stuck here and away from her. But I will not put it past her on getting her way back to king's landing.

So I must figure out a way to make sure that my mother stays out of King's landing. But in the meantime inside the king's room I have written a letter to the lord of castle black to see if anything is well over the wall. I wanted to know the truth, to see what they are doing about the dead. I can not tell Sansa about that, I do not want to upset her in this matter. 

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