Joffrey Baratheon

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When the lord came to king's landing me and Sansa greeted him inside the red keep where I told him about the great offer, that he could have my mother and 10,000 in weight of money but with rules of course. 

The lord was more than happy to take my mother and the money. I told him about the rules for his sake, I warned him that she can not return to king's landing, that she is remain in Pentos the rest of her days. And that to be careful when she is around you, never let your guard down when alone in a room. 

The lord understood what I said and he still wanted my mother. I called one of my king's guard to bring my mother to the meeting room where she would leave at this very moment. And let's say it was a show to watch. My mother was yelling at me but she turned her attention towards Sansa but I stepped in front Sansa to protect her from my mother's words. Watching her be pulled out of the room and heading to the docks leaving king's landing in a blink of an eye bought a smile to my face. 

Taking Sansa's hand walking down the hall as the king's guard followed right behind us, now we can officially start our lives off right. In the late night a messenger came into the rooms, which were mine. Sansa comes closer to me as I took the letter from the messenger, opening it up I read it out loud so Sansa could know. 

The letter was from Robb, thanking me for sending men to help against the Bolton's and that the north was good once again. Sansa had tears running down her eyes from the great news that was giving. I kissed her forehead taking her hand as we get into bed ready for sleep to take us. 


Years had passed, Joffrey Baratheon first of his name became a great king. He did things right for all, made the laws of the seven justice, he placed good around the kingdoms, all because he had that dream when he was much younger. And none of it would be possible without Sansa by his side. King Joffrey had stood for burials for Tywin Lannister  his " grandfather", Ser Jamie Lanniser and he had gotten word of the death of his mother over in pentos. For each death that was close to him, he could not care less about it. The only thing he cared for was his family that he has with Sansa. 

Now at the age of 30 years old he was getting ready for war, The north called for help for the fight against the dead that had broken the wall and making their way. As he looked at himself in the mirror making sure the armor was right he saw his children looking at him with Sansa standing in the background. 

The oldest Princess to youngest prince came running towards their father hugging him, all scared of their father leaving home to fight death. He hugged each of his children saving his wife for last. Looking into Sansa's eyes, he gives her a kiss. 

" You will be safe here, you and the children. I trust no one better than you Sansa. I know that you will do well in my absence for the time being I know you will, at least until I return or if I don't ( looking at his first born son) the kingdoms would have their next king. 

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