Fun In The Library

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⚠️ basically this whole chapter is smut!⚠️

Mountain starts to stroke and kneads your thigh, the thumb of the  other hand, the one that is on your face, softly rubs your cheek.

His tongue gently explores your mouth. You part with a string of saliva connecting your lips.

He gazes into your eyes, your hot breath mixes with his as you get lost in his green orbs.

He gives you the dorkiest smile and you just giggle. He captures your lips once again but this kiss is harsher and more desperate.

You can feel his bulge against your ass, you give a testing grind and he moans at the movement.

You continue to makeout as he snakes his hand to your ass. He grabs a handful and you let out a surprised yelp as your lips part.

He just laughs and continues felling up your ass. You roll your hips over his bulge again, "goddamn y/n" mountain groans out.

You start to kiss  his neck and unbutton the top 3 buttons of his shirt. You move to kiss and bite the new flesh.

Mountain starts to unbutton your shirt  ' we're really doing this in the library?!' you worriedly think to yourself 'oh well' you brush it off.

You unlatch form his neck and allow him to take your shirt off. You shiver at the cold air of the library caressing your bare skin.

Mountain motions for you to get up and take off your jeans, you take his command with a nod and do so.

You sit back onto his lap and he grins at the sight, you are in a black, lace bra and a matching pair of lace panties.

You adjust to the cool air of the library and look up at him " I believe your overdressed for the occasion" you say as you grab his tie.

Mountain laughs "Maybe, you got a problem with it?" He says as he raises an eyebrow

"Actually yes I do" you say with a firm tug of his tie that brings his head to your level.

Mountain nods, "fine" he says as he takes his shirt off.

"Though you will have to get up again" he states while patting your thigh.

You get up, again, and mountain takes his jeans off. All that is left is his boxers, and man was that bulge big, no, huge.

'holy shit' you slightly panic 'how is that gonna fit?!'

Mountain notices you staring and gives you a quizzical look, then it hits him. He chuckles " my eyes are up here" he says as he grabs your chin and makes you look at him "and don't worry, it will fit just fine" he says with a smirk and a wink.

Your face flushes 'how did he know what I was thinking?!' you panic again.

Mountain sits back down on the couch and pulls you with him, your thoughts are cut off when he palms your warmth.

You arch your back and stifle a moan.

"Your very sensitive" mountain says as he presses a finger to your clit witch earns him another moan "and responsive" he states.

He then moves to undo your bra and gets it first try, curse his long arms. He tweaks a nipple and pulls a groan out of you. "Man you are noisy" mountain remarks.

"S-shut up!" You bark with little bite

Mountain just laughs and grabs your ass. "Whatever you say." He says with and eye roll. He adjusts you so that you are sitting on the couch normally and he moves to rest between your thighs.

He slowly spreads them and notices the very prominent wet spot on your black panties "this wet already?" He questions as he looks up at you.

You just mumble something "hmm?" Mountain questions as he ghosts a hand over your pussy

"Enough teasing." You whine

"Why?" Mountain questions

"Please" you whimper

Mountain teases at the hem of your panties and you squirm. He finally takes them off and you can feel his hot breath ghosting your thighs.

He spreads your thighs wider and inserts his shouldes between them to keep them form closing

"I'm going to make you cum a few times to make you relaxed and ready" he explains

"O-ok" you stutter nervously

"Don't worry, we can use the light system to tell how you are feeling, red means that I should stop, yellow means that I should slow down, and green means that you are perfect." He explains simply.

"Sounds good" you let out a breath.

"Good, I'm going to start now, is that ok?"

"Yes" you say excitedly

Mountain licks a long line on your thigh towards your core, then back up. He leaves kisses and hickies up and down both of your thighs.

He then finally licks a line up and down your pussy, you let out a stifled moan and cover your mouth. Mountain smiles against your pussy and circles a finger around your hole.

Your pussy clenches around the tip of his finger trying to suck it in.

"Eager aren't we?"

"Y-yes!" You say desperately

Mountain inserts a finger and it is quickly sucked in. He slowly starts to move it and then pumps it in and out a few times.

He then inserts another finger and you mewl. He continues to pump in and out but adds a finger to your clit.

You feel pressure building in your core "f-faster, p-please " you beg.

Mountain starts to pump his fingers in and out faster and you tighten around them, your orgasm surges through you like liquid electricity.

After he carries you through your orgasm he adds another finger witch slides in with no resistance, so after a bit he adds the fourth and final finger.

You felt so full, just the stretch itself had you teetering over the edge. He starts to suck your clit and that pushes you over.

You orgasm again and this time you go limp. Mountain takes his fingers out of your pussy and licks them clean.

He then goes to take his underwear off 'holy shit!' you think, mountain is a solid 10 inches.  "color?" He checks.

"Green!" You say very enthusiastically.

"Perfect" he says with a smile "ok, lay on your hands and knees."

You nod and follow his directions. He lines himself up, he slowly sinks in halfway. The stretch has you gasping for air.

He gives you some time to adjust and finally bottoms out and sinks all the way in. You are seeing stars, you have never felt this full. His tip is resting comfortably at your cervix.

"You ready for me to start moving?" He asks

"Just a second please.' you say

"Totally, love" he says, the 'love' comment gives your butterflies but you brush it off.

Unbenounced to you mountain takes a picture of him balls deep in your pussy and sends it to dew with the caption "hey dewy, found your bitch😏"

"Ready" you say

Mountain starts to trust in and out of your pussy slowly at first but eventually speeds up.

"F-fuck" you say between thrusts "I-Im so close!" You scream

"Hush!" Mountain says as he shoves two of his fingers in your mouth to silence you, "you might as well tell the whole clergy I'm rearranging your guts in the library!" He says sarcastically and slaps your ass loudly.

His glamour wavers and gives out when you bite down on his fingers as you cum, you do this with a surprisingly loud groan.

"Ah-ehm?" You hear as a certain ghoul enters the library.


*** Haha, another cliffhanger
Word count: 1265***

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