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You wake up to a warm body spooning you. The scent of rain mixed with a cool musk engulfs you. It feels safe.

You roll over to face said body, which is rain of course. His long arms lazily wrapped around your curves and you can't help but smile to yourself.

His sleeping face is calm and relaxed, he really is beautiful. It's nice to see his face without the mask. You sit for a while, studying his facial features, from his strong nose, to soft plump lips.

You tuck a strand of black hair behind his ear and his eyes flutter open in the early morning light and his cool blue eyes settle on yours. He leans in and softly touches you lips, as you reciprocate the kiss you feel him smile into it. Who knew rain was so sweet?

~time skip~

You are in the commons making a banana and strawberry smoothie bowl, decorating it with granola, shaved coconut and honey. You also stop to make yourself a coffee, to chase the tiredness away.

You wander to your favorite seat in the library, a small sofa next to a window. The window has the perfect view of the forest that surrounds the clergy, the soft morning light shining through the cracks in the curtains. The library is a safe haven, one of your favorite places in the clergy to wind down or wake up in.

You have a new romance novel that you recently started, you loved how cheeky and typical it was. As you are munching on you cold treat someone wanders in.

You look up to meet the mask of the one and only dew. Your mood quickly turns sour, already anticipating the shaming of fucking people other than him.

You can't deny how much of a chokehold this mad does have on you, but you sure as hell aren't going to express it. His ego is already big enough.

You huff and turn to face the window. Again, you are definitely not in the mood.


You ignore him


This time you look at his emotionless mask "what?!" You say with annoyance. "Are you here to shame me more? I'm so sorry that I don't belong to you!" You somewhat yell with a huff.

"no, well yes, I mean-"

You interrupt with an eye roll and a groan "your kidding"

Dew was somewhat getting on his last nerve, but he tried to hold it together. "I'm just trying to talk." He attempts to explain "I want to apologize"

You had never heard that word from his mouth "apologize?"

"Yes ok! I'm sorry, I have been such a controlling dipshit!" He quickly says

You sit in the library, you smoothie bowl melting, stunned. Wordless, you ability to talk striped from your throat. Did he really just apologize???

Dew plops down on the floor in front of you and slumps, Somewhat defeated.

The fog over your brain clears as you realize that you have left him hanging. "Thank you"

"Wait-what?" Dew sputters, not expecting a response "I-I mean your welcome?"

You giggle and stand up, stretching. "Ok, but you still owe me. My perfectly good smoothie bowl is melted!" You give him shit.

~time skip~

You are slipping on some black ripped shorts and some fishnets, along with a black band t-shirt. You lace up your converse and grab your cat's leashes.

The jingle and rattle if the leashes alert lyra and lynch, they both jump to run to your feet. "Gosh guys, y'all are acting like I would leave you behind!" You giggle as you put their harnesses on them. They meow and purr in excitement

Dew, you, mountain, rain, swiss and aether are going on a walk through the woods. It was actually dew's idea to apologize to you, how sweet?

You leash up the feral fuckers and head out of your dorm like room. Off to the exit...

...I'm back???? Again I cannot garentee the continuous updates or steady updates. I just post when I have the want or drive. Anyways I hope you enjoy!! Much luv!
Word count 692...

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