Cold Shoulder

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Dew had made up some shit excuse after he cleaned you up. He had said that he had to get to band practice, you knew fully that there was no band practice.

You didn't really care though because he looked rather worried and he couldn't keep eye contact, plus you had shit to do. By shit to do you ment talking to papa and consulting the book.

You headed up to the third floor on shaky and unstable legs. It took you a while, the trip consisted of many breaks and you holding on to the railing for dear life.

You triumphantly crawled the last step and walked well, more like hobbled, to papa's door. You gave it a firm knock and waited

Eventually it was opened by a smiley papa. "He papa, I have something to talk to you about, do you have time? If not I can just come back later-"

"I do y/n, come on in!" Papa states cutting you off and opening the door wider. "So what is up?" He asks as you limp over to a chair to sit on.

"Oh nothing much, dew has been acting...oh how do I say this...weird"

"How so?" Papa questions

"Well we had some fun...and,well, we had a-a second round...and, he um, he was weird. Like almost animalistic, and there was a swell, like a-like at the base of his cock. Then afterwords he was really distant and-"

"That's enough y/n, um, I will have to think about this." Papa says waving you off with his hands "Could you report to your chores while I figure this out. Good" papa says practically shoving you out of his room.

'weird! Everyone here is fucking weird!' you thought angrily

As you walked to the library you had seen several of the ghouls, and they were the same way. Their tails angrily, or more like stressfully, flicking behind them and unable to make eye contact with you as you smiled a waved.

Great, their all mad at you! Why? Why would they be so upset?! You did nothing wrong! I mean, is it the game?

You walked and pondered the various questions. You couldn't help but feel like you were in the wrong.

After a while of painfully putting books away you headed back upstairs to your room. Once you got there you headed strait for the book.

You searched it for any explanation, but the only thing it mentioned was heat. The fuck was a heat? You tried to read more but the book shifted from English to Latin and you, of course, didn't understand latin.

You were stumped to say the least, the ghouls were mad at you, papa seemed disappointed, no one was talking to you, you were at a complete loss.

What do you do?

You changed into some pj's and crawled into bed with lyra and lynch, and for once, you wished dew was there with you.

You wished that he was there to cuddle and spoon  you, for him to tell you that it would be ok. For him to pet your hair and tell you how beautiful you were. You wanted him to claim you as his, to say that no one, not even him, was worthy of you. You wanted him there, you needed him.

You cuddled a pillow and felt warm wetness drip and flow down your cheeks. The warmth quickly turned frigid and unforgiving in the cold air of your room, you again wished that dew was there to keep you warm

All you could do was cuddle the pillow closer and try to fall asleep through the tears.

Why did you feel this way? Why did you care? Why did it matter? These questions floated around your mind without answers as you drifted off into a light and unpeacful  sleep.

***This one's kinda sad ngl
Word count: 655***

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