Helping Aether p2

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⚠️Warning, more smut!!!⚠️

Ather positioned you on the bed. He had pined you down on it and started to leave a trail of marks down to your soaked panties.

This time he doesn't tease and carefully takes off your panties. But just as he does so he stops and backs away with a conflicted face. "W-what wrong?" You ask sitting up

"I...I don't want to hurt you" he says looking away

His eyes dart back to you when you speak "oh hun" you say getting up and walking over to him. You caress his face as you say "thank you for caring but I seriously doubt you will hurt me." Aether leans into the touch and you can hear him purr

"But what if I do-"

"No. No what if, you won't. I know it" you cut him off. "Now come on, you left me all wanty and needy" you say as you roll your eyes and pull him back to the bed.

"Fine...but if I do anything, stop me ok." He says defeated.

"Fine Aether, what ever you say" you say jokingly while rolling your eyes.

Ather inserts his hips between your legs, cock already hardening again. You moan as he grinds himself against your pussy. He starts to kiss you again, this time more careful.

You didn't like that, you didn't like the fact that he was treating you like if he touched you that you would shatter. You infact would not, and the fact that you told him you wouldn't but he still worries makes you upset.

You took over the kiss. You kissed him hotly with much hunger.

He groaned into the kiss, leaning down on you. "F-fuck, I need you inside me aether" you plead as you grind down on him.

He groans and grabs his dick you guide it to your entrance. He circles it, catching some of your wetness, before slowly sinking in. The stretch from his ghirth was delicious. He eventually bottomed out inside of you.

"Move, please...I need more-"

And with that aether started to thrust slowly. Your moans fueled him to go faster.

You started to dig your nails into his back and shoulders. He leaned down to meet your lips again.

This time the kiss was faster and hungrier, His tongue swirling with yours.

He liked it when you had trouble focusing on both the thrusting and the kissing, especially when he started to piston in and out of you. How you struggled to makeout with him, too caught up with the speed of his thrusts.

He grazed your sweet spot, earning a gutteral moan. "Feels good huh?" He asked, now directly hitting the spot.

It's like your brain shorted and stopped working. You couldn't even string a sentence together. All that aether could hear between your breathally moans was incoherent babbling, and his name being strung in there.

You were holding on to his shoulders with a vice grip. Heaving indents and bruises where your nails were.

You continued to bathe in the pure pleasure, tears pricking your eyes as you tried to string together praises for aether to tell him how good he was doing.

It didn't last for long untill you came on him without warning, letting out a loud and lewd moan. You could feel yourself clench around him.

Aether groans "F-fuck I'm close." He stutters out "um...can I-" he tries to ask embarrassed.

"Fuck, please knot me Aether." You finish his sentence for him, already knowing what he wanted. You stare directly into his eyes, giving him a loving look. Aether blushes madly and struggles to keep eye contact.

After a few more thrusts, you can feel the base of Aether's cock swell. You grind down on him in anticipation.

He starts to thrust his growing knot in and out of you, stretching you wider and wider and you moan at the stretch. Aether can feel it getting close to it's fell size so he thrusts it all the way in you, trapping you up against him and he cums. You didn't mind though.

Ather moves to lay next to you, face laying on your tits like they are pillows. You just pet his hair and scratch the skin around the base of his horns. You can feel him purr as you whisper to him how well he did.

***Word count: 737***

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