Chapter 18- The Hammer Squadron

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Chapter 18- The Hammer Squadron

(December 28, 2013)

"There will be heavy defenses. Expect extensive ground-based surface to air gun batteries, and extensive TIE fighter opposition. We expect at least 120 TIE fighters based in the target area, possibly more. This will an extremely dangerous mission."

In his seat in the ready room, Lieutenant Jonathan Page jots down a note in his notebook before looking back up at the officer giving the briefing.

"Your fighters will be equipped with SGM-65 Maverick missiles as well as bombs. Rapier, Javelin, and Hatchet flights will be equipped with 2,000 lb Mk84 general purpose bombs, while Scimitar flight will be armed with GBU-28 bunker busting bombs. Your goal is for Rapier, Javelin, and Hatchet flights to destroy what they can of the factory above ground, and then Scimitar flight will use their GBU-28s to destroy the hardened structures underground containing all the design schematics and the Imperial officers in command of the factory."

The Captain giving the briefing looks out over the pilots, then says, "I don't have to tell you how important this mission is. If this mission succeeds, it will keep the Defender out of Imperial service, hopefully for good."

There are nods around the room. The Captain then says, "That is all. Dismissed!"

Everyone stands up and snaps to attention before gathering up their gear and filing out of the room.

Jonathan makes his way to the dressing room, where his flight gear is waiting for him. As he dresses, he reaches out for his helmet and picks it up, running his thumb over the symbol of the hammer on one side of his helmet.

Jonathan is a member of the Terran Starfleet's elite starfighter squadron. The 69th Fighter Squadron, also known as the Hammer Squadron. He had dreamed of joining the Hammers since he first joined the Starfleet, and had finally been selected for the squadron a year ago, after 6 years of service in the Starfleet.

Suddenly, he feels someone thump him on the shoulder. He turns around to see that its one of his squadronmates, and his wingman on this mission, Lieutenant Abigail Peretz, one of the daughters of former ASAT member General Shaul Peretz. Abigail, unlike her twin, decided to pursue a career in the military, like her father.

"Hey, Abigail," Jonathan says.

"You ready for this, buddy?" Abigail says with a smile, causing Jonathan to smile. One thing he liked about Abigail was her ability to keep a smile on her face even in the most dangerous situations. She always had a way to raise the spirits of her squadronmates. Some of the squadron members referred to her as the "squadron cheerleader", which Abigail took in good humor.

"Yeah. We'll finally show the Empire how much better we are," Jonathan says.

Abigail smiles before she claps on the back again and says, "Come on. Take off is in 30 minutes. We need to go inspect the fighters."

Jonathan nods as he finished strapping on his remaining gear. He then grabs his helmet again, and he and Abigail job out onto the flight line.

As they emerge from the building and onto the flight line, Jonathan looks around at the beautiful Naboo scenery. Since the capture of Naboo a few weeks ago, the 69th had been based out of an airbase constructed just outside Theed. Their orders were to conduct deep strikes against strategic Imperial targets across the galaxy until they were called up to support another planetary invasion.

This mission was their first since arriving on Naboo, and was a highly important one. British MI6 agents operating in the Core Worlds had found evidence showing that the Empire was attempting to restart Grand Admiral Thrawn's TIE Defender project, and had built a new factory on the planet Onderon. The factory had recently been completed, and had just recently begun production operations.

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