Chapter 48- Battle of Long Island

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Chapter 48- Battle of Long Island

Kelly covers her face as the group of four M1s fire their main guns, destroying a pair of AT-STs advancing towards the city.

The Empire had decided to land its forces destined for New York on Long Island, and they were advancing towards New York City along Long Island. However, American commanders had known that an assault on New York City was highly likely, and that a likely path of advance would be along Long Island. And they had positioned the bulk of their forces to block such an advance.

The city was being defended by the reactivated 4th Armored Division, units of the 10th Mountain Division, and the New York National Guard's 42nd Infantry Division, as well as the 1st Terran Clone Division It was also heavily defended by civilian defenders. Armed civilians across the country had organized themselves into units to help defend their homes. They had even given themselves designations based on their state, such as the Virginia 1st Civilian Infantry Division or the Wyoming 3rd Civilian Cavalry Regiment.

Two of these civilian units, the 1st New York Civilian Infantry Division and the 7th New York Civilian Infantry Regiment. Between the Army units and civilian units, a total of 100,000 defenders as well as uncounted individuals armed civilians were defending New York City.

The Imperial forces landed on Long Island had been probing the city's defenses, but had quickly realized that the defenders were dug in deep. American tanks and walkers had laid waste to incoming Imperial troops, while close air support aircraft had been taking care of most of the Empire's walkers.

Luke runs up beside Kelly. Kelly turns to him asks, "Any word on the New Jersey and Wisconsin?"

In the preparation for the Empire's attack, the four Iowa class battleships had been reactivated, just as they had when the Separatists attacked Earth. In addition, America's other four museum battleships, Texas, Massachusetts, Alabama, and North Carolina had all had their guns restored to combat readiness in case they were needed. New Jersey and Wisconsin had been stationed on the East Coast, and had been sent north when it became clear that the Empire was landing forces in New York.

"They're closing in. Recent report says they're only about half an hour from gun range," Luke says.

"Good. Once they get here, we can have some really heavy firepower on our side," Kelly says.

The two flinch as the tanks fire another volley. Then, a laser bolt from an advancing AT-AT flies over their heads, exploding behind them.

Right then, Waxer walks up beside them, carrying his carbine. "My brothers are holding the northern flank," Waxer says, referring to the 1st Clone Division.

"Good," Kelly says. She looks back at the stormtrooper's lines in the distance before looking back at Luke and Waxer and saying, "How about we show these stormtroopers what it means to mess with the Terran Alliance?"

Waxer smiles as he cocks his M4. "Right behind you," he says confidently.

Kelly reaches down and removes her lightsaber from her belt. Luke pulls out his lightsaber too, and two of them ignite their sabers simultaneously. Kelly raises her saber and shouts, "With me, men!" She then charges down the street, lightsaber held aloft, Luke and Waxer charging right behind her. Seeing and hearing her, 50 men of the 42nd jump up from their cover and charge after her, shouting.

As they charge down the street, as soon as they get with range, Waxer raises his M4 and opens fire on the stormtroopers ahead. Seeing him open fire, the soldiers following them also start firing at the stormtroopers. Several dozen stormtroopers are killed as the American troops fire.

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