Chapter 52- Aftermath

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Chapter 52- Aftermath

(March 19, 2016)

Hall and Ahsoka sigh a bit as they walk through the front doors of the Pentagon. They've been helping clear out the final pockets of Imperial forces around Washington DC following the closure of the planetary shield. At the time the shield closed, there were still about 40,000 stormtroopers around the city. It had taken hours for the defenders to eliminate the threat. After hours, they had finally killed all the stormtroopers who would not surrender, and taken the remainder, numbering about 6,000, prisoner.

Hall and Ahsoka make their way through the halls of the Pentagon, heading to a specific lift that will take them down to the International Military Command Center. After entering it, they begin the ride down.

After a few minutes, the lift door opens, and they walk out of the lift. As they enter the Command Center, they see many of the men of the Joint Command, as well as Thrawn, standing around the central conference table, looking over various reports.

Grand General Dempsey looks over at them as they approach. "General Hall. General Tano," he says in greeting.

"General Dempsey," Hall says in response.

"Good to see you both made it out in good shape," Dempsey says.

"What's our status? How well did we make it out of this?" Hall asks.

"If we're talking just about DC, not too bad. There was heavy damage on the other side of the Potomac where most of the fighting took place. But our troops and civilian defenders held them off very well. The damage to infrastructure was more extensive than casualties. Right now, estimates of casualties between troops and civilian defenders are around 4,000 dead and about 10,000 wounded," Dempsey says.

"Have we received word from other parts of the world?" Hall asks.

"Yes. We've received word of landings around Baltimore, in northern Utah, central Texas, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Myanmar, central Thailand and near Hanoi. Reports suggest that across the world, there were at least 150,000 stormtroopers still on the ground at the time we raised the shield. Most of them are now either dead or in custody. We have troops trying to clean the last few pockets of Imperial troops, mainly in south-east Asia. Reports suggest that defenders across the planet have sustained at last 80,000 casualties, and reports are still coming in," Dempsey says.

"What about in orbit?" Hall asks.

"It was a struggle to begin with. Task Force 1 was facing almost 4 to 1 odds. They lost over 60 ships before reinforcements arrived," Roughead says.

"Did the plan work?" Hall asks.

"Like a champ. Wish we could've executed it a bit sooner to minimize losses, but once it closed on the Imps, it was slaughter. Final reports show less than 100 ships of the original fleet, which was almost 800 ships, managed to escape. We took a few more losses, but it worked," Roughead says.

"How many ships did we lose?" Hall asks.

"71. Six Interdiction cruisers, 19 light cruisers, 16 heavy cruisers, and 30 London class Star Destroyers. The Rebels also lost 7 of their cruisers. Almost all of the remaining ships in Task Force 1 took moderate to heavy damage, and many of them are going to need months of repairs, so right now our number of operational combat ready ships is about half of what it was before the battle. It's going to set back some of our invasion plans at least a few months, but we're already adapting our plans. Thankfully we didn't lose any of our capital ships, though," Roughead says.

Hall nods, a little grim. If the Empire tries a second invasion, of a similar size to what they just tried, it could be devastating for Earth. However, if the Imperial command has any brains, they wouldn't try another invasion of Earth so soon after the first failed so spectacularly.

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