Chapter 41- The Next Step

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Chapter 41- The Next Step

(November 22, 2015, Wild Space)

In the darkness of space, Rebel and Terran fighters fly around the gathering fleet. After the Terran force left Bespin, the five warships made their way to the rendezvous point just beyond Wild Space. Fleet Admiral Zambellas had stationed a small task force at the rendezvous point, comprised of the battlecruiser Lutzow and three Star Destroyers. Scattered Rebel ships had been gathering at the rendezvous point ever since the Battle of Hoth for protection from the Lutzow and her escorts. By now, almost the entire Rebel fleet across the galaxy has gathered to the rendezvous point.

Aboard the battleship Bismarck, Lando and Chewie make their final checks in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon as a few Terran mechanics make the finishing touches to a final repair on the ship. Lando and Chewie were leaving the fleet to get to work on finding Han. The Terran Alliance had already begun organizing a task force of intelligence agents to search for Han, but Lando and Chewie were going to run their own search for Han.

As Chewie settles into his seat, Lando says over the ship's radio, "Luke, we're ready for take off."

At the moment, Luke is in the sick bay of the Bismarck as a pair of German prosthetic surgeons are conducting the final tuning up on Luke's brand new cybernetic hand. This arm was made using the latest prosthetic technology, and was so advanced that Luke could actually feel through the hand thanks to the advanced sensors. Kelly is sitting right by his side as the two surgeons are finishing their work.

"Good luck, Lando," Luke replies into the commlink he's holding.

"When we find Jabba the Hutt and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you," Lando says.

"I'll meet you at the rendezvous point on Tatooine," Luke says

Lando then speaks over the radio to Leia, "Princess, we'll find Han. I promise."

"Chewie, I'll be waiting for your signal. Take care you two," Luke says.

Chewie responds with several growls and howls, which bring smiles to Leia, Luke, and Kelly's faces. Leia then walks out of the room.

"Alright, Commander Skywalker. We're just going to do a little test of the hand here. We're going to poke you a few times, and let us know if you can feel the pain," one of the surgeons says in accented English.

"Okay," Luke says as Kelly takes his other hand.

One of the doctors gently pokes the thumb of Luke's new hand with a sterilized pin. Luke feels the pain, and his thumb jerks in response. The surgeon repeats the process on his ring finger, then on the center of his palm, yielding the same results. In each case, they can see the parts inside the open part of the wrist showing the hand moving.

"Alright. Looks like everything went perfectly," the surgeon says. He puts the needle away on a tray as the other surgeon closes the open part of the wrist. The surgeons then begin putting away their things.

Meanwhile, Luke stands up from the table he's been sitting on. Kelly smiles brightly at him and gives him a quick kiss.

"Why don't we head up to the bridge?" Luke says. Kelly just nods.

The two leave the sick bay, walking hand in hand through the extensive passages that lead up towards the bridge. Not talking, just content to be by each other's side.

When they reach the bridge, they walk on just in time to see the Falcon fly past the bridge as it begins setting a course for its hyperspace jump. In silence the two walk towards the massive viewport looking out into space.

The two stand there for a minute, just completely silent. Kelly is smiling as she looks out of the viewport. However, Luke is standing there with a very serious expression on his face. His mind keeps going over the revelation he received on Cloud City. As he's though about the last few days, he's realized that there had to be people in the Terran Alliance who knew the truth. He specifically remembers Tyler Hall saying he knew his father. And he had guessed that Samuel Adams must have as well. Because of that, he's been wondering if perhaps Kelly has known this truth all along.

Finally, he feels he can't keep the question in any longer. He turns to Kelly and says, "Kelly, I need to ask you something."

Kelly turns to look at him. "What is it?" she asks.

Luke glances around to make sure nobody on the bridge could be listening in, then looks back at Kelly and asks, "Did you know...that Darth Vader is my father?"

Kelly stumbles back in shock. "What?!" she exclaims.

Relief floods through Luke as he can instantly tell that she's not faking it. Kelly looks at him in shock a moment longer before she says in a low voice, "Darth Vader is your father? Are you kidding me?"

"No. He told me himself during our duel on Cloud City, and I could tell he wasn't lying," Luke says.

Kelly looks at him in complete shock. Then, she walks up to him and hugs tightly. Luke falls into the hug, welcoming it. He doesn't realize that not far away, Ahsoka Tano heard that, and recognizes that it's not going to be long before she and the others will have to tell Luke the full story.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. I know how hard it must be for you to know this," Kelly says.

Luke is quiet for several moments before making up his mind. He pulls out of the hug and looks Kelly in the eyes. "It is. But I can't dwell on it. He may be my father. But he made his choice. He turned his back on the light and embraced the dark side. Him being my father does not determine my destiny," he says. He then smiles and says, "And no matter what my destiny is, I want you to be part of it."

Then, before Kelly, Luke smiles at her and asks, "Kelly, will you marry me?"

Kelly's eyes get as wide as saucers. After several moments, she splutters, "What?"

This draws the attention of nearby officers, who look at the couple. Luke smiles and says in a slightly louder voice, "Kelly, will you be my wife?"

Kelly stands there for a second, hands over her mouth and tears starting to roll down her face. Then, she lowers her hands and says, "Yes! Yes!" She then throws her arms around him and kisses him. Luke kisses her back as the nearby officers start clapping and cheering. The word quickly spreads around the bridge, and pretty soon everyone is cheering and clapping for the happy couple.

Meanwhile, in his quarters, Vice Admiral Schimpf is in the middle of a conversation with Mon Motham via holomessage. "I just got word, Luke Skywalker's operation went off without a hitch," Schimpf says.

"I am very pleased to hear this," Mothma says.

"Yes. Now, I must ask you, what is your plan for the Rebellion going forward?" Schimpf asks.

Mothma is quiet for several moments before she says, "We must have time to regroup and gather our forces, and to hide from the Empire as they continue to hunt us." She pauses, then says, "I believe it is time for the Rebel fleet to finally pay a visit to Terra, if you understand what I'm saying."

Schimpf smiles slightly. "I understand you perfectly, Senator," he says.

"Good. I will contact Admiral Zambellas to communicate my desires to him," Mothma says.

"Very well. I will set course for Earth immediately," Schimpf says.

"Good. I take my leave," Mothma says before the transmission cuts off.

Schimpf leaves his quarters and head up towards the Bismarck's bridge. As he gets to the bridge, he stops for a moment, then turns to his communications officers and says, "Contact the entire fleet. Both Terran and Rebel ships. Set course for Earth immediately."

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