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third person pov...

Soulmates were connected through both romantic and platonic feelings. Practically destined to be with eachother till' end of time. Pretty much the definition of true love. 

Well, Finney didn't believe that shit. His parents were soulmates, but as he grew up, he realized they weren't really destined to be together. Ever since he could remember, his parents were always fighting non-stop. Then one day his mom just snapped and ended up...well committing suicide. So it was quite clear through Finney's perspective that soulmates were a bunch of bullshit, but a part of him, a really small part of him wanted to believe soulmates were a real true love.


"Finney!" Finney sat up quickly while rubbing his eyes. He stares through his doorway, locking eyes with his little sister, Gwen. "Hurry up we're gonna be late!"

Finney groans, "Okay, okay." He practically drags himself off his bed and into the bathroom across from his bedroom. After taking care of his business, he begins rummaging through his closet. Tossing clothes onto his bed and trying to mix and match, and he finally finds an outfit to wear.

(finney's outfit: https://pin.it/1p0ykJR)

He quickly rushes grabbing his things and leaves his bedroom, meeting Gwen in the kitchen. "Finally, you're done!" Finney rolls his eyes playfully.

"Haha." He laughs sarcastically. Looking around, he turns back towards Gwen who hands him a plate with a piece of toast.

"Dads' at work already, chill out..oh! Here's your breakfast." Gwen smiles reassuringly. Finney returns the smile and begins eating his breakfast. The two eat in a comfortable silence until Gwen blurts out something, "Oh my god we're gonna be late, come on!" 

Finney drops his half eaten toast onto the plate. He grabs his tote bag and throws it over his shoulder. Finney and Gwen rush out the house and begin their walk towards school. Finney checks the time on his phone as they run, '8:10'. "We have like— 15 minutes." Finney huffs, slowing down as they approach their highschool. 

"I'll see you soon Finney, I've gotta meet up with Donna!" Gwen shouts out, fading away into a random direction. Finney gives a nod, hoping she saw. 

Finney checks the time once again, '8:20'. "Oh shit." He curses under his breath and begins jogging towards his first period. He turns a corner and collides with something solid. He falls back onto his butt and looks up. The color on Finney's face drains as he realizes who he bumped into, and the people surrounding the person.

Finney had bumped into Robin Arellano, second toughest person in the school. And to make matters worse, he was with his stupid gang too. Vance hopper, first toughest person in the school and pinball champion. Bruce Yamada, golden kid and ladies man. Billy Showalter, athletic and smart. Griffin Stagg, cool theater kid and class clown. 

Just his fucking luck. Finney continues staring at them until he blurts out, "I-I'm sorry!" He runs away from the group and towards his first period class, leaving them dumbfounded.


"What the fuck just happened?" Robin bluntly states. Griffin shrugs while Bruce speaks up, "I don't know, but he's pretty cute..." The group all turns to look at Bruce, "Hey I'm just stating the facts here." Bruce defends.

"I guess he is kinda cute." Billy mumbles. Bruce gasps, "Billy finding someone cute? What a shocker." Billy nudges Bruce in the stomach lightly, "Shut up."

Vance rolls his eyes, "How about you both shut up so we can get to class." Vance grumbles. Both Billy and Bruce shut their mouths closed and finally, they all walk to class.


Finney runs into the boys bathrooms and slams a stall shut. His breathing begins slowing down but his right arm starts to burn.

Finney lays against the wall holding his arm and instantly slides his sleeve up. His eyes widen at the sight he sees. On his arm, five initials were visible.

R.A, B.Y, V.H, B.S, and G.S.

Finney throws his head back softly against the cold wall, "God, you've gotta be kidding me..."


- 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 ; 𝙩𝙗𝙥Where stories live. Discover now