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third person pov...

Finney falls back against the wall and onto the floor. Call him disgusting for sitting on a bathroom floor, but his arm was burning like crazy. "Fuck..." Finney hisses. This shit really hurts.

The bell suddenly rings, making Finney flinch. Great, he was late to class. Finney sighs and continues rubbing his arm, praying the burning will stop soon. Thankfully, after about a minute, the burning stopped. 

Finney continues sitting for a moment, how was he supposed to act normal when he just got his soulmate marks? Not to mention five of them. Finney finally stands up from the floor, feeling mentally prepared enough to go to class.

"Okay, all I need to do is try to not run into them, easy right?" Finney plans in his head. But boy was he wrong. The minute he walks into class, he notices Robin staring at him while the teacher gives Finney a lecture for being late. 

 "Gosh, how could I be so stupid! I can't believe I forgot Robin was in my first period." Finney groans as he walks towards his seat. Thankfully, Robin didn't sit next to him, but he did sit right infront of him. 

The whole class period Finney could feel Robin's gaze burn right through him. To Finney's joy, the bell rings and Finney jumps out of his seat, about to speed walk to second period. Before Finney could leave though, a certain someone grabs ahold of his wrist. Finney turns around, meeting eyes with Robin.

"Hey, uhm...I was wondering if we could talk real quick-..." Robin awkwardly states until he gets cut off by Finney. He shakes his wrist away from Robin's hand and looks back up at him.

"S-sorry, I need to uhm go. Like right now, bye!" Finney speed walks to his next class, hoping Robin wouldn't rush after him.


Robin sighs, "Jeez, I didn't know it would be this hard talking with him." Robin begins walking to his next class, hoping he'd run into one of his partners.

"Robin! How'd it go with the cutie?" Bruce's voice fills into Robin's ears. Robin turns around and faces Bruce, who has a huge smile on his face, as always. 

"Not very well." Robin chuckles awkwardly. Bruce makes a face but smiles again.

"That's okay, maybe I'll give it a shot." Robin furrows his eyebrows.

"A shot at what?" Robin asks. Bruce grins, "That cutie."

Robin nods, "Okay, just know it won't be easy. He's always scattering around and nervous. It's like I'm a cat chasing a mouse." Bruce pats Robin's shoulder, reassuring him.

"Don't worry I got this. No one can resist my charms." Bruce jokes with laughter. Robin joins in with laugh and begins walking to his next class.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch, oh yeah if you get a chance to talk to the cutie try to get his name!" Robins waves while walking through the halls.


Finney breathes in heavily, why the hell does he keep running into his so called 'soulmates!' He walks up to his seat and lays his head on the desk. 

"You okay?" A calm voice asks. Finney prys his head of the desk and turns to his right, his breathing speeds up a bit. Griffin Stagg is currently sitting next to Finney and he's been trying to avoid him as well with the others.

"W-what..? You don't sit here, uhm doesn't-..." Finney stutters anxiously but Griffin saves him from embarrassing himself even more.

"We changed seats, new seating chart." Griffin updates him with an awkward smile on his face.

"O-oh! Uh okay..." Finney replies. The two sit in silence until Griffin taps him on the shoulder.

"Uhm, do you mind helping me with number 12?" Griffin asks with a small smile. Finney smiles softly and nods. They two move closer and Finney observes Griffin's paper.

The two talk for awhile until the bell rings. They both stand up and Finney begins to walk away until he's grabbed by the wrist. 

"I'm Griffin..what's your name?" Griffin asks awkwardly. Finney giggles and fully turns toward Grififn.

"You wait a while for introductions, my name is Finney. It was nice to meet you, Griffin." Finney walks away, his heart beating quicker than ever. Leaving Griffin in the classroom, standing awkwardly with a hint of blush on his cheeks.


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