The Second Massacre of Ypres

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January 12 1915

The French and the British were Prepared to attack The Germans in Northern France Numbering about 200k .

While the Germans numbered around 120k Troops stationed there .

The battle started with artillery from both sides Fired .

Whistles from The British and French signals the soldiers to go and attack .

As they got up the trench and they were hit by Artillery shells Some ended up half their body missing while some are in shock and confusion .

As The infantry Keep getting close to the fortified German Defense position They were getting killed by the Machine gun Fire or The Germans defending the trenches .

They kept Charging But it only adds more body's and blood on the battlefield.

This kept happening for about 3 hours until The British withdrew back to their trenches as it was impossible to break the german defenses, While the French Eager to get vengeance against the Germans for their fallen Comrades kept The sending more men to only die in the meat grinder that was the germans slowly creating as time goes by .

2 hours later

The French Soldiers are exhausted and most of their men dead with not even enough soldiers to defend the trenches.

While the British were Also exhausted but They still have a large amount of troops to defend their trench .


German Defense Line ( Center )

Elizabeth: So they have finally stop charging , Well then Officer send a message to 1st and 3th Tank Division to go and attack the right flank While 2nd and 4th Tank Division attack the left Flank while The 5th Tank Division is to support the assault on the Center .

Officer : Yes general (Goes to the radio to inform Military units the orders of the general .)

1 hour later

The British and French soldiers were resting for quite some time until they felt the earth shaking .

They were curious so they go up to the trench only to see Large steel beast coming on their trenches supported by German Infantry.

Tanks started firing and hit many of trench fortifications While Many were killed By explosions while those who survived were killed one by one by the German infantry .

Some Tanks got stuck or hit by artillery but this did not stop them from breaking The defense line and soon enough managing to reach the artillery position and silencing them completely.

The remaining British and french soldiers numbering around 637 Fall back to their second line of defense .

After the battle

German Engineers and troops began fortifying their new positions .

While The others start to gather the deadbodies and Impaled them Even some were found alive hiding amongst the dead and they too were impaled In Sharpened sticks or metal ones .

The impaled bodies were then put on front of their Fortifications.

January 13 1915


The British and French soldiers were Horrified seeing many of their Comrades, Friends their Brothers were Impaled .

This lowered the morale of the soldiers which was expected by Elizabeth which immediately launched an attack on the Second defensive Line yielding the same results as almost all British and French were Impaled on Sharpened Sticks While the others were used to create an extra line of Fortifications using their bodies .

Same Fate happened on the 3rd and 4th line of defense .


On those two days The German army managed to break the line of defense quickly and left 140k British and French Impaled .

Leaving only 20k troops to defend northern france from Germany.

While the other remaining troops either ran or were reassign to other army groups .

Many generals from the Entente were shocked on what happened it was quick and decisive Move of Germany that caused a massacre and a cruel one at that , While the others Criticized Germany from what they did to their soldiers .

This Caused Germany to be hated by The World and soon Germany's economy starts to suffer but it was solved quickly by Elizabeth.

While the German high command was proud of Elizabeth and given her medals for her achievements .

While the Entente Named The general as

Elizabeth The Impaler.


February 12 1915
Meanwhile on the Russian front

The German army slaughtered about 1Million Russian troops (not
Even counting the civilians) they then continued to attack many cities which caused the Russian monarchy to be Hated because of their failure to defend the motherland .

Which forced The Russians to Make peace with Germany and Austria Hungary.

On the peace deal made by Germany and Russia they have to give up many territories which will be Independent from Russia.

The Following countries that will be Independent.


Which will be protected by Germany in case of further aggression of Russia .

This peace deal caused a revolution in StPetersburg which saw many Russians killed .

This caused Germany to guard and train the armies of the newly independent countries to secure the Russian border.

While in Germany this caused a lot of Free manpower to go to the western front .

While Germany lost it's colonies in Africa and Asia which was taken by the French.

While Major General Elizabeth makes a plan to take The Impregnable Fortress of Paris .

Now The flames of war is coming closer to Paris .

And many will remember it in History .

As one of the greatest Tragedies In Human History.


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