The Beginning of a war And ??????

772 22 16

December 7 1967

Azurlane Base

Javelin: It's really peaceful

Laffey : I wanna sleep .

Denver: Don't slack off !!


Meanwhile Kamikaze Planes were headed towards Azurlane base.

Akagi : It's time

Kaga: but the odds are against us

Akagi : We will win I'm sure of it


Hornet was outside when she sees Kamikaze Planes heading towards the ships .

Hornet: Were under attack!!!

Yorktown who heard that ready her AA and fired at the planes.

But still many hit their intended target .

Shipgirls were trying to defend themselves but were hit by Kamikaze Planes Several damaging them .

Hornet then goes to the radio and ask for help .


Akashi: Huh *Hello who is this*

Hornet:* We need help we are under attack By Sakura empire *

Akashi: Okay I'm on my way .

Hornet : *Who are you ?*

Akashi: Akashi

Hornet: Wait a mi---

Akashi : Shit i need to hurry


Akashi: It seems that someone needs to be Taught a lesson * As she looks at Akagi and Kaga Launching their Aircraft.


Kaga : Akagi There is someone approaching at a very Fast speed .

Akagi: Who is it ??

Kaga: I don't know I'll  have my Planes target on that person .

Kaga then ordered her planes to attack Akashi who knows the capability and Danger of Kamikaze planes .

Akashi: Waste of time *She fired her AA that instantly Destroyed the planes* .


Akashi: Always bring an escort *Instantly Got Closer to Kaga and Punch her *

Akagi: Kaga!

Kaga: Don't worry I'm Fine

Akashi: For now though

Akashi started to attack Kaga quickly while kaga was barely able to dodge and got hit several times .

Akashi: Not Giving up ?

Kaga: Never !!

Akashi then Knocks out Kaga while Akagi who was angry and Tried to attack her was knocked out instantly.

Akashi: Never expected The two of you to be weak .

She soon Spot some eagle union shipgirls approaching her .

Hornet: What are you doing here ?

Akashi: Relax i was supposed to go To the Dragon Empery under the orders of Elisabeth.

Hornet: Okay .........

Cleveland: Who are you ?

Akashi: Akashi you don't recognize me ?

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