Battle For the Baltic Sea And The Visit to Northern Parliament.

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April 11 1967

Ironblood Base

Before The Day of Testing

Kaiserin Elisabeth : Can you listen to what I'm about to say ?

Bismarck Tirpitz and Seydlitz: Yes your majesty.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Okay here's The Situation and our plan to solve it.

There is currently a siren fleet in The Baltic Sea Which is blocking our connection with Northern Parliament .

To solve this We will Have 1st Reich Fleet to go First Followed By 2nd Reich fleet, Their objective is to Eliminate The Siren Fleet Blocking The Pass To The Baltic Sea .

After that Kaiserin Fleet Followed by  Imperial German Fleet Would Go To the Pass To Clear Out Any remaining Sirens .

While The support Fleet is to Conduct Scouting of the area , To prevent Any Siren From Ambushing Us .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Is that clear ?

Bismarck Tirpitz and Seydlitz: Yes your majesty !

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Good , Now rest for The Upcoming Battle .

They soon all got to rest and prepare for battle Tomorrow .

April 12 1967

5 Fleets Could be seen Leaving The Base and heading Towards The Baltic sea  .

Blockade Pass

Siren 1: You sure there not going to break the blockade?

Siren 2 : Nah I'm  Su------

Those where her last words as they were attacked by The 1st And 2nd Reich Fleet.

As the 1st and 2nd Reich Fleet Destroyed the blockade , Kaiserin Fleet and Imperial German Fleet Cleaned Up The remaining Sirens With The Support fleet Sending Scout Planes To find out if there are any Sirens Left alive.

They soon find out there were nothing left of the siren fleet and no reinforcement .


Kaiserin Elisabeth: We have won !!

All shipgirls Shouted in Victory.

After a few hours

1st Reich Fleet along with The 2nd Reich Fleet , Imperial German Fleet And the Support Fleet Goes back to the base while Kaiserin Fleet will go To Northern Parliament.


Northern Parliament Base

Sovetskaya Rossiya Was Looking On the Horizon When She Saw 6 Ships Approaching With The Flag Of Ironblood , She Then Rushed to tell her Comrades On What To do .

They decided That they shall wait For The ships And asked them what business do they want .

Meanwhile Kaiserin Fleet Sends out a message To The Base Telling them there not hostile, Which calmed Shipgirls , They also asked to dock which was Granted by Rossiya .


Kaiserin fleet soon docked On Northern Parliament Docks and they were met By Rossiya.

Rossiya: Welcome To Northern Parliament May i ask your name ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: I am Kaiserin Elisabeth.

Rossiya: Sorry for Not having a good welcome your majesty Since Most Of our Funds do went to Base .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: It's fine Besides we have matters to talk about .

Rossiya : Well then let's go to My office.

They  then all go to the office .

Rossiya : Well Then your majesty what matters do you want to talk about ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: It's about your stance in the current situation.

Rossiya: Oh you mean Joining sides ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Yes

Rossiya: Hahah We don't want to get involved on that , But if someone attacks us that's where we join sides .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Hmm , I have a proposal to make If you would like to listen .

Rossiya: What is it ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: It's about Us and You Creating A Faction  that will be beneficial for both sides .

Rossiya: A Faction ? What happened that you made such a proposal?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Due to us being neutral Azurlane and the Crimson Axis Are trying To Make us pick a side , So I decided that we shall create our own instead of Joining them .

Rossiya: I agree on this proposal, Besides we can focus on eliminating The siren threat on our waters  Unlike The Azurlane and Crimson Axis Who are currently About to Fight .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: It's A honor That you accepted my deal , Later We will call you to our base so we can organize your fleet and start solving the siren problem.

Rossiya: Thank you Your majesty .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: I may need to go back , I would have like to stay a little longer but Since I'm a monarch I always tend to be busy .

Rossiya : No worries Your Majesty , May i wish you good health .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Well then we shall Go now .

They then go to the port to leave but before they leave .

Grozny : Wait your majesty i have something to give you .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Hmm What is it ?

Grozny : Rossiya Forgot to Give you Vodka .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Oh Thank you (I'll add you to my collection) .

Grozny: Well then have a safe trip to your base Your majesty  .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Have a good day to you As well .

Kaiserin fleet soon leaves  Northern Parliament.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Well that went well .

Peter Strasser: Couldn't agree more on that .

Prinz Einhorn: How shall we call our alliance your majesty ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth :The Ironblood And Northern Parliament Pact , That will be our Temporary name since in the future there will be others that are going to join us.

SMS-Haube: It's good name even though it's Long .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Well Let's go Back to our base
To Rest .

Kaiserin fleet: Yes your Majesty.

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