Return And A Monarch

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February 17

Elizabeth and Unicorn has finished the portal and its ready .

Elizabeth: Are you guys ready ?

Unicorn, Hood And Belfast : Ready more than ever .

Elizabeth: Well then it's time to go back .

They soon headed to the portal and go through it .


Meanwhile in the German empire the news of the Death of Elizabeth ,Unicorn , Hood And Belfast spread and Many German people attended their funeral .

Even though they died They will still be remembered in the hearts of the Many people.


January 25 1967

North Sea

Seydlitz and Z23 were Currently Patrolling When suddenly there radar pick up 4 Unknown vessels heading to Ironblood Base.

Z23: Seydlitz we have 4 Unknown Ships Heading to Ironblood .

Seydlitz: Four Ships ?

Z23 : Yes , I'll go back to the base to tell everyone to be ready for battle .

Seydlitz: Ok I'll go and see what's these ships are .

Z23: Good luck *goes to the direction where Ironblood base is located *

Seydlitz: Guess I'll wait , I'm currently in their path so i may see them any moment.

4 minutes later

In the Horizon 4 Battleship Class ship were spotted by Seydlitz.

Seydlitz: Shit I'm outgunned.. Wait a minute .

Seydlitz then spot them Flying a Imperial German Flag Which was identical to her Flag .

She then Inform Z23 that All 4 ship are battleship class and are Flying The Imperial German flag .

Seydlitz lets out a sigh after finding out their the same faction , She then goes to the 4 ships to ask their identity .

Seydlitz was amazed at the sized of these ships , they were Almost the same as Bismarck .

Seydlitz sees a girl wearing a Military Uniform .

Seydlitz: Hey can you hear me ?

???: Yes I can hear you .

Seydlitz: Um You are currently heading to The Ironblood base may i ask your identity and the others since it's the first time i saw you and your friends here .

???: Identity?

Seydlitz: Yes maam ?

??? : I am Kaiserin Elisabeth Named after the famed Kaiserin Elisabeth Who Ruled Imperial Germany To its peak ( Me being a royalty of germany was a lie but i was the one who ruled its peak ) .

Seydlitz: (Royalty ?!?!?!?!)

???: I am Prinz Einhorn Named after The Trusted Right Hand of Elisabeth.

Seydlitz: (Another one !!?)

???: I am Sms Verzweifeln Personal Maid of Elisabeth (I'm glad i manage to think of a name) .

Seydlitz: (Maid ?!?!?) And you are ?

???: SMS-Haube Personal Guard of Elisabeth and Einhorn .

Seydlitz: (A guard as well !??!) *Tries to recover from shock but can't *

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